Thanks to his day job with the world-beating Pat Metheny Group, and not to forget his own frankly occult powers at the drumset, Antonio Sanchez has risen fast to the top of the jazz pile and can call pretty much anyone he likes to come and play with him. Still, this electro-acoustic Migration unit (together since 2011) smells like a real band. Pianist John Escreet, saxophonist Seamus Blake and bassist Matt Brewer are among the most creative musicians on the New York scene, and they really know how to play together. With them in mind, Sanchez has through- composed this five-part suite that roams freely over a wide musical plain, referencing everything from hard-swinging Coltrane pedal-point to funked-out Weather Report fusion. More of this, please.
Antonio Sanchez & Migration: The Meridian Suite | Album Review