Andrew Weatherall – Convenanza: Solo return of a trailblazer

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Artist: Andrew Weatherall
Genre: Electronic
Label: Rotters Golf Club

Andrew Weatherall has never lost his edge.

A trailblazing DJ and producer from back in the day when he took Primal Scream, My Bloody Valentine, Happy Mondays and New Order for walks on the wild side, he has been happy to drift far from the centre in recent times.

His first solo album since 2009's A Pox On the Pioneers catches him exploring the kind of sleazy, gnarly electronic music that has been his beat for some time.

Weatherall’s essential talent is a knack for unearthing the most awkward, unexpected grooves, as he does here.


There are moments on The Confidence Man and Frankfurt Advice when you wonder if he's lost the trajectory of the track, before a gentle pull or sidestep brings it into focus.

He also has a wide palette of musical slides and glides, as the glorious We Count the Stars shows.

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