
Traditional music of the week reviewed...

Traditional music of the week reviewed...

Síle Ní Fhlaithearta

Is Duitse A Bheirim Grá

Cló lar Chonnachta ***


Sweet and light, unburdened by a past laden with precedent, Síle Ní Fhlaithearta’s solo debut has taken its own time coming. And it shows. Sean nós collections are often judged by their proximity to a notional concept of “native” style.

Ní Fhlaithearta lets her voice find its own route through many of the "big" songs of the tradition ( Dónall Óg, Táimse Sínte Ar Do Thuama, An Draighneán Donn), unforced and unfettered by the past. And still, she breathes an absolute sense of purpose and place into songs embedded deep within her DNA. Judicious and unobtrusive accompaniment on harp from Síle Denvir and fiddle from Ní Fhlaithearta's husband, Charlie Lennon, and their clan add further to the riches of this collection.

Download tracks: Is Duitse A Bheirim Grá, Bridín Bheasaigh

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts