Seamus O’Muineachain, Psychonavigation ***
Co Mayo minimalist Seamus O'Muineachain has been picking upadmirers with a musical style that veers between stealth, serenity and assurance. After a couple of toe-dipping EPs he finally throws caution to the howling west of Ireland wind with his debut album. The result is a tremulous if tranquil success. There are times when O'Muineachain's piano-playing isn't anywhere close to the subtleties of likely influences Harold Budd, Dustin O'Halloran and Hans-Joachim Roedelius. But there is a sense that it won't take long for O'Muineachain to reach such levels. In the meantime, there is much to luxuriate in, notably the soft swells and lulls of Away with the Fairies, Any Port in a Storm and By Her Window.
Download tracks: Away with the Fairies, By Her Window
Listen to Seamus O'Muineachain on New Found Sounds, The Ticket's new music podcast, at