Alan Kelly Gang: The Last Bell

The Last Bell
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Artist: Alan Kelly Gang
Genre: Traditional
Label: Blackbox Music

Piano accordions are seldom at the heart of traditional music, their robust bellows often considered too rambunctious for more self-effacing instruments like fiddle and flute. Alan Kelly long ago transformed our preconceptions of this muscular instrument, mining its finer points with a grace and danger that reflected his appetite for risk-taking and intimate collaboration in equal measure. His latest album cocks an ear to the delights of the live session, with an ensemble well-versed in Kelly's quirky and original interpretations. With guest vocals from Eddi Reader, and the finest flute contributions from Steph Geremia (not to mention bouzouki from producer Manus Lunny and some swinging fiddle lines from Alaisdair White), this is a party looking for a crowd.

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts