Readers of a certain age might recall pouring coins into Dungeons & Dragons arcade cabinets. Now two D&D games, Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara, have had a HD spit-and-polish for the modern market. Essentially these are fantasy, side-scrolling action games with roleplaying elements; You can play single-player or multiplayer (local or online), as you traverse lands delivering violent vigilante justice with a blade, arrow, or magic. Thankfully it's grimier and less twee than modern fantasy works – more Krull than The Hobbit. But it has dated somewhat, with collision detection leaving a little to be desired. And it doesn't quite capitalise on the modern controller; for example, the button for picking up items is also a frequently used combat button. Still, with a colourful cast and simple but dynamic action, it's an enjoyable stomp and slash down memory lane.
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara