Lego DC Superheroes Movie Maker4 cert, Lego, iOS ****
Ever wanted to make your own stop-motion action movie? Lego has designed an app that allows you to do just that, all from your smartphone. This Lego app gives you all the tools you’ll need to create a masterpiece, from the camera function to capture your shots inside the app, to filters and effects to polish it up.
The app is intended to be used with Lego DC Universe Superhero characters. But you can use it with almost anything you want. String together a short movie of still images,
add music and filters, and you are only limited by your imagination. But for argument’s sake, if you do have the Lego DC figures, you can choose from themed title cards – Wonder Woman, Batman and Superman – and intersperse it with the obligatory “Bam!”, “Biff!” and “Pow!” frames. Whatever fits in with your choice of superhero. It also gives you the option to apply filters, from a comic- book style look to “Arkham” gloom, giving it all a neat sense of authenticity.
Team it with the right soundtrack – supplied by the app and superhero themed of course – and you might have a YouTube hit on your hands.