The Legendary Pig

Fighting Words: A story by 4th and 5th class, Nun’s Cross National School, Killiskey, Ashford, Co Wicklow

Hairy Styles, the yak who wanted to be a pig

Hairy Styles was worshipping the Legendary Pig in Gorey Church. He was a yak and he wanted to be a pig after seeing how much food they got each day. When Hairy’s mam found him praying in the church to be a pig, she bit him by the ear and grounded him.

In Fourtown, where Hairy lived, he was crying in his room. Then the Holy Pig Paul came into his room to cheer him up.

“Cheer up, Hairy!” said Paul. “It’s great that you worship my kind. Maybe I can help you become a pig.”

“That could really do me some good because I’ve always wanted to be a pig,” Hairy Styles replied.


Paul headbutted Hairy out the window. He then ran to Centra squealing, with the yak on his back. The pig ran into the shop, where he dug a hole beneath the post office and they fell into the world of pigs.

When they arrived in the pig world, they met the Legendary Pig, who suggested they go on a quest so that Hairy could become a pig. They set out on a journey to complete their first task, to slay a three-headed pig dragon.

Once they reached the cave where the pig dragon lived, they were amazed by all the jewels that the monster had. Paul warned Hairy about the crystal sticking out of the walls as they were very sharp.

The Legendary Pig took out a saddle and asked Hairy, “Can you wear this saddle so that we can go faster? We can get my carrots back and get you one step closer to becoming a pig.”

But then they heard a roar…

The Story Seeds project supports young people to write with the aim of enabling them to understand their own life story – their personal, circumstantial and emotional story and their place – be it geographical, social or imaginative.

The pieces included here are a small sample of the creative work from the Story Seeds project.