Sound: Stories of Hearing Lost and Found by Bella Bathurst

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Author Bella Bathurst story tells of the slow onset of deafness and eventual recovery of hearing after 12 years
Sound: Stories of Hearing Lost and Found
Sound: Stories of Hearing Lost and Found
Author: Bella Bathurst
ISBN-13: 9781781257753
Publisher: Wellcome Collection
Guideline Price: £14.99

This moving and fascinating story tells of the slow onset of deafness and eventual recovery of hearing after 12 years.

It is not about those born deaf but those who lose their hearing through age, illness or work (such as musicians, military personnel, factory workers). The physical process of hearing, as it is described, is so complex and fragile that it seems almost miraculous.

Denial is a frequent response to loss, as is a shredding of confidence and esteem and withdrawal into social isolation (“if sight gives you the world, hearing gives you other people”) and Bathurst experienced them all.

But she eventually came to terms with her loss, discovered photography, immersed herself in the visual world and became a photojournalist.


Initially told her condition was inoperable, she discovered later that it was not and had successful surgery. It’s an inspiring story that will change the way you think about hearing.