Imaginary Places

The MAC, 10 Exchange St, West Saint Anne’s Sq, Belfast Tues-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun-Mon 10am-7pm Until Jan 20 048-90235053

The MAC, 10 Exchange St, West Saint Anne’s Sq, Belfast Tues-Sat 10am-8pm, Sun-Mon 10am-7pm Until Jan 20 048-90235053

Here’s a terrific pairing: one of the best, most innovative contemporary landscape painters with an outstanding photographic artist whose subject is landscape. And they get an exhibition each.

Not only that, in fact, but Mary McIntyre’s A Contemporary Sublime incorporates work by some of the painters who have influenced the development of her own work, including Jacob Van Ruisdael, Jean Baptiste Camille Corot and LS Lowry. McIntyre’s photographs (above) are carefully considered, large-format compositions of everyday, often overlooked spaces and places.

Peter Doig established his reputation with landscapes that drew on his personal history (Trinidad and Canada), but also photographs and high and popular culture, including, notoriously, the film Friday the 13th. Several of his key paintings from the early and mid-1990s are on view in this, his first major show in Northern Ireland, and the exhibition of McIntyre’s work is a welcome survey spanning the years 1999-2011.


Can't see that? Catch this:Between Tides/Unseen Taylor Galleries, Dublin Until Dec 8