Éigse Carlow Arts Festival Exhibitions

Various venues, Co Carlow eigsecarlow.ie

Various venues, Co Carlow eigsecarlow.ie

Since 1979 Éigse Carlow has notched up some fine solo shows, and this is a chance for the festival, and us, to look back. This is the first year that VISUAL, Carlow’s new contemporary arts venue, has been available, and it’s a great setting for works by such artists as John McKenna (pictured), Gillian Ayres, John Hoyland, Hughie O’Donoghue, Shani Rhys James, Sonia Lawson, Sean Henry, David Tress, Donald Teskey, John Shinnors, Eileen MacDonagh, Janet Mullarney, Catherine Greene and many more. It should be a treat.

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne

Aidan Dunne is a visual arts critic and contributor to The Irish Times