Crosaire No 16854 by Crossheir – Saturday, January 19th, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 A gathering of the fathers (CHURCH COUNCIL) in Trent, for example (Council of Trent = CHURCH COUNCIL),

10 To divert assets (HIVE OFF) from worker’s home (home of worker bees = HIVE) is not on (OFF) (HIVE OFF),

11 A medical condition got up someone’s nose perhaps (CATARRH) in nation (“Qatar” = “CATARRH”) state (= homophone indicator),


12 Secure a demonstration within (‘secure a demonstration’ within = READ) study (READ),

13 Doctor (= anagram indicator) tries (tries = RESIT) to have a look at the paper again (RESIT),

15 Behind the counter at the banks (‘behind the counter’ at the banks = BEER) or in the public house (BEER),

17 One of the family (DAD) characters in background admonished (characters in ‘background admonished’ = DAD),

19 Local criminal (hood) isn’t finished (d) (“hood” without “d” = HOO-) putting pressure (-P-) on American city (-LA) (HOOPLA) creating excitement (HOOPLA),

21 Eased off headwaiters (‘eased’ off ‘headwaiters’ = hawitr = WRAITH) with spirit (WRAITH),

22 Pointed the finger at (ACCUSED) copper (-CU-) involved in new (= anagram indicator) case (case = -AC-SE-) leading to detention (leading to ‘detention’ = -D) (ACCUSED),

23 Guard (ENSURE), engineer (E-), nurse (nurse = -NSURE), butcher? (= anagram indicator) (ENSURE),

25 Get lost (BEAT IT) in Tibet? A (Tibet a = BEAT IT) mistake! (= anagram indicator),

27 Amongst headbangers (amongst ‘headbangers’ = BAN) in bar (BAN),

29 Have the nerve (DARE) to read (read = DARE) novel (= anagram indicator),

30 Turns up (= reversal indicator), Ireland (Republic of Ireland = ROI = -IOR) has a gent (‘a gent’ = agent = rep) with no heart (e) (‘rep’ without ‘e’ = rp = PR-) (PRIOR) in charge of The House (PRIOR),

31 King Lear loses ring (‘King Lear’ loses ‘ring’ = klea = KALE) in the cabbage patch perhaps (KALE),

34 A job for a detective (-CASE) following (= positional indicator) 6 down (nuts) briefly (s)  (‘nuts’ without ‘s’ = NUT-) (NUTCASE) with cuckoo (NUTCASE),

35 Bitter (bitter/nasty = BALEFUL) – British (B-) type of beer (-ALE-) mostly (l) filled to the brim (‘full’ without ‘l’ = -FUL) (BALEFUL),

36 Confirmation (CHURCH SERVICE) of mass meeting (CHURCH SERVICE).


2 Test (HAVE A GO) try? (HAVE A GO),

3 Brave getting off river boat (‘brave’ getting off ‘river boat’ = riot = RIOT) in violent disorder (RIOT),

4 Blew out (HUFFED) by that man (H-E-) arresting paramilitaries (Ulster Freedom Fighters = -UFF-) starting the dynamiting (starting the ‘dynamiting’ = -D) (HUFFED),

5 Orchestra to open (‘orchestra’ to open = O-) with church (Roman Catholic = -RC-) cover (hide), for the most part (e) (‘hide’ without ‘e’= -HID) (ORCHID), by one of The Hothouse Flowers (hothouse flower = ORCHID),

6 Bit of breakfast undercooked (bit of ‘breakfast undercooked’ = stun) served up (= reversal indicator) (stun = NUTS) with crackers (NUTS),

7 One (I-) serial (serial = -SRAELI) adaptation (= anagram indicator) (ISRAELI) of Living in the Middle East (ISRAELI),

8 Could be the means to a marriage of convenience (CHURCH WEDDING) for those joining union in the presence of the Father of the Chapel (CHURCH WEDDING),

9 Visible landmark overlooking The Abbey (CHURCH STEEPLE), the Pro-Cathedral (CHURCH) and The Spire (STEEPLE) (CHURCH STEEPLE),

14 Eastern warrior (SAMURAI) reflects (= reversal indicator) spirit (rum = -MUR-) in revolutionary (= anagram indicator) Asia (Asia = SA-AI) (SAMURAI),

16 A wake-up call (ALARM) for team sacrificed by Alma Mater (‘team’ sacrificed by ‘Alma Mater’ = almar = ALARM),

18 Horrified dropping hi-fi (‘horrified’ dropping ‘hi-fi’ = orred = ORDER) system (ORDER),

20 What court entertainer is capable of (court entertainer/ tennis player is capable of = ACE) coming back (= reversal indicator) in state carriage (in ‘state carriage’ = eca = ACE),

21 Part of the Felixstowe beach (part of the ‘Felixstowe beach’ = WEB) synonymous with surfing (WEB),

24 Cut (SCRATCH) of endless (end ‘less’ = S-) fish taken home by fishermen (catch = -C-ATCH) around end of pier (end of ‘pier’ = -R-) (SCRATCH),

26 Most of (r) the Irishmen (Irish ‘men’ = ‘fir’ without ‘r’ = -FI-) in new (= anagram indicator) craft (craft = TRAF-C) (TRAFFIC) coming off the motorway perhaps (TRAFFIC),

27 Drunk (= anagram indicator) beer (beer = BREE-) from Switzerland (-CH) (BREECH) that will blow your head off if it’s loaded (BREECH back of rifle/gun),

28 Snob blended amidst characters (‘snob blended’ amidst characters = NOBBLE) with dope (NOBBLE),

32 Gorilla throws away log (‘gorilla’ throws away ‘log’ = rila = LAIR) from the animal house (LAIR),

33 Some gorgeous lavender (some “gorgeous lavender” = SLAV) found in The Balkans (SLAV).