Former Fianna Fáil councillor charged with harassing woman in Cork city

Joseph O’Donovan (47), previously known as Gary O’Flynn, remanded on bail until next month pending directions from DPP

Joseph O'Donovan, a former Fianna Fáil councillor previously known as Gary O'Flynn, appeared at Cork District Court on a harassment charge on Wednesday. Photograph: Michael Mac Sweeney/Cork Courts
Joseph O'Donovan, a former Fianna Fáil councillor previously known as Gary O'Flynn, appeared at Cork District Court on a harassment charge on Wednesday. Photograph: Michael Mac Sweeney/Cork Courts

A former Fianna Fáil councillor has appeared before Cork District Court charged with harassing a woman.

Joseph O’Donovan, formerly known as Gary O’Flynn, appeared before Judge Colm Roberts on Wednesday in connection with the offence which is alleged to have occurred over three dates between July 30th and August 6th of this year in Cork city.

The alleged offence is contrary to Section 10 of the Non Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997.

Det Sgt Katrine Tansley told the court that Mr O’Donovan (47) made no reply when the the charge was put to him under caution at the Bridewell Garda station in Cork city on Tuesday.


No objection to bail was made in the case. However, Mr O’Donovan, a son of former Fianna Fáil TD Noel O’Flynn, must adhere to certain stringent bail conditions pending his next court appearance.

The accused must remain out of the area of Cork city centre except for to attend medical or legal appointments. He was also ordered to stay away from specific streets in Cork city.

Mr O’Donovan must abstain from all intoxicants in public and sign on three times a week at Gurranabraher Garda station. He must also reside at his home in Melvindale House, Coolowen, Blarney.

He was also ordered to have no contact, direct or indirect, with the alleged injured party in the case. This also applies to social media.  He also must obey a daily curfew from 10pm to 7am.

Judge Roberts asked Mr O’Donovan if he understood that a garda could call at his home, with all the embarrassment that entails, to make sure that he was obeying the terms of his bail. The accused said that he understood and acknowledged the terms of his bail. 

The judge remanded Mr O’Donovan on his own bond of €250 to appear before Cork District Court on September 28th when directions from the Director of Public Prosecutions are expected.

Mr O’Donovan, when known as Gary O’Flynn, was a Cork city councillor from 2003 to 2008. He ended his political career five years later.