48 jobs to be created at addiction treatment facility

Co Louth Smarmore Castle is a subsidiary of Scottish Castle Craig Hospital

Smarmore Castle Private Clinic, a subsidiary of Scottish-based Castle Craig Hospital, will treat  Irish UK and European clients.
Smarmore Castle Private Clinic, a subsidiary of Scottish-based Castle Craig Hospital, will treat Irish UK and European clients.

Mark Hilliard

A new drug treatment centre at a refurbished 14th century Co Louth castle is to employ 48 people.

The Smarmore Castle Private Clinic is a subsidiary of Scottish-based Castle Craig Hospital, will act as an addiction facility for Irish UK and European clients.

Treatment programmes, following medical and psychiatric assessment, last for a period of four to six weeks, with medical detoxification and intensive psychotherapy. Assessments, family therapy and aftercare will also be provided, the company said in a statement on Thursday.


Castle Craig Hospital was introduced to Ireland through Connect Ireland, the company responsible for delivering the Government’s ‘Succeed in Ireland’ initiative, as part of the Action Plan for Jobs, in association with IDA Ireland.

Its Co Louth operation was open to the local community on Thursday.

“We are committed to tackling alcoholism and drug addiction and the suffering it brings to families and we are committed to widening the range of treatment options for addictions in Ireland,” Peter McCann, co-founder of Smarmore Castle and Castle Craig Hospital said.