Weblog: Twitter messes with your timeline (again)

Social media company has been tweaking things and not everyone is happy about it

Imagine a world without “at” replies. The horror! The horror! Twitter has gone and done it again: it has been messing about with some changes including removing the @username part of a tweet and those beta testing this tweak are not very happy.

When replying to someone, instead of seeing the Twitter username you are seeing their real name placed discreetly above your tweet. For long-time users, this is discombobulating, mostly because they know their Twitter network by username alone.

A perhaps more welcome change for iOS users, as reported by TechCrunch, is the ability to open web links from inside Twitter to display in Safari’s reader mode. This strips the webpage of all ads and clutter, leaving the reader with plain text on a white, sepia, grey or black background.

While this might be good for the reader, it doesn’t bode well for publishers looking to generate ad revenue and not all webpages display neatly.

