Tech Tools: Germ-free telephone communication

Oblio handily combines fast phone sanitiser with a wireless charger to keep you talking

Oblio phone sanitiser and wireless charger: Twenty minutes will leave your phone germ-free, and three hours will give your phone a full charge.

Oblio phone sanitiser and wireless charger (€90)

We like multifunctional things. There just isn’t enough time in the day – or space in our homes, it feels – to have everything we feel we need. And in the current climate, something that will clean our phones is becoming more important. The Oblio phone sanitiser will not only kill 99.9 per cent of the germs on your phone (it claims), it will also charge your phone wirelessly if your particular smartphone supports that. Twenty minutes is enough to leave your phone germ-free, and three hours will give your device a full charge. So your phone can be fully powered up and free of germs whenever you need it.