Sony’s Horizon Zero Dawn presents a stark future

Machines ‘walk’ the earth in third-person RPG due for release next year on PlayStation 4

Imagine a world where cities have fallen into ruin, reclaimed by nature. In third-person action RPG Horizon Zero Dawn the modern age has disappeared, replaced by tribes hunting with nothing more sophisticated than bows and other weapons they can fashion themselves. And given the lack of cars, roads and buildings to spoil the landscape, there are plenty of hunting grounds in which to stalk the monstrous creatures that roam the landscape in packs.

Did we say the modern age disappeared? That may have been slightly misleading. Those prehistoric-style creatures are actually machines, but not like we know them. The trailer shows lead character Aloy taking down a frankly terrifying beast armed with nothing but a bow and whatever she can rip off the monster and use it against it. They’re top of the food chain, and humans don’t even come close.

Horizon Zero Dawn will make its debut on the PlayStation 4 in 2016.