Irish IT services company Ammeon to create 100 new jobs

Company looking to expand its software engineering and consulting divisions

Founded in 2003, Ammeon employs about 165 people currently, with the majority based in the company’s Dublin headquarters
Founded in 2003, Ammeon employs about 165 people currently, with the majority based in the company’s Dublin headquarters

Irish IT professional services company Ammeon is to create 100 new high-skilled jobs over the next 18 months.

The company, whose headquarters are on D’Olier Street in Dublin, said it is looking to expand its software engineering and consulting divisions.

The new jobs are supported by the Government through Enterprise Ireland.

Founded in 2003, Ammeon employs about 165 people currently, with the majority based in the company’s Dublin headquarters.


the company has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with new offices opening in Belfast, London, Belgrade, and Stockholm. Clients include AIB, EIR, the National Transport Authority, Intel, Vodafone and CIE,

"Here at Ammeon, we have built the largest indigenous team of professional service consultants focused on accelerating IT delivery and innovation," said chief executive Fred Jones.

Ammeon reported revenues of €16.3 million in 2016, up from €15.7 million a year earlier as pretax profits almost halved, falling to €519,595 from €999,168.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist