Tax relief on all R&D urged to attract funds

The Irish Taxation Institute (ITI) has called on Minister for Finance Brian Cowen to introduce tax relief on all corporate research…

The Irish Taxation Institute (ITI) has called on Minister for Finance Brian Cowen to introduce tax relief on all corporate research and development (R&D) expenditure.

ITI president Joan O'Connor said that Ireland would continue to lose out to other EU states on R&D investment unless there was a move away from the traditional understanding of R&D.

In a pre-budget submission to Mr Cowen she said that R&D was not solely about "petri dishes and white coats".

"Innovation comes in many different forms and the lack of awareness of this fact is hurting our ability to benefit from R&D investment," she said.


Currently, if a company spends €10 million on R&D in one year and €15 million the next, it can only claim tax relief at a rate of 20 per cent on the increase (€5 million). The ITI wants tax relief on all R&D spending.

Ms O'Connor said that the UK offered as much as 30 per cent tax relief on all R&D spending.

"The current incremental-based system, where companies get tax credits on some but not all R&D spend, is forcing investors to look elsewhere," she said.

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell

Simon Carswell is News Editor of The Irish Times