Me & My Money: Paddy Magee, Renault Group Ireland

‘There is nothing like shopping face to face, getting real customer satisfaction’

Paddy Magee, country operations manager  of Renault Group Ireland: “In the last couple of years I have (wisely) invested in shares within the Renault Group.”
Paddy Magee, country operations manager of Renault Group Ireland: “In the last couple of years I have (wisely) invested in shares within the Renault Group.”

Are you a saver or a spender?

I’m generally a day-to-day saver, though when it comes to gadgets, all sensible thoughts go out the window. Gadgets, I definitely tend to splurge on them.

Do you shop around for better value?

In every aspect of business life I would say yes. The three-quote rule was hammered into me at a very young age and has served me well through the years. In personal life, I do shop around a little, with the exception of Christmas shopping, which, despite my very best effort is always done on Christmas Eve.


What has been your most extravagant purchase ever and how much did it cost?

I wouldn’t be a frequent extravagant buyer by any stretch. I do, however, like to invest in family memories, as cheesy as that sounds. Every year I look forward to one “blow out” holiday with my daughter, Katy-May, and my wife, Clare. I also have an appreciation for a good watch, so I treated myself to a Breitling a few years ago. I’ll keep the price of that to myself, though.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?

Undoubtedly, I would say, my wife Clare’s engagement ring nine years ago.

What way do you prefer to shop – online or local?

Whilst I like to do price comparisons online before I buy, I still love the fun and excitement that comes with shopping locally. There is nothing like shopping face to face, getting real customer satisfaction, and most importantly personal great customer service.

Do you haggle over prices?

My background is in sales, so on big items I love to haggle. It’s always good to gauge reaction and see what new sales lines are out there. Sales psychology fascinates me, so I like to visit car dealerships from other brands and see what kind of sales pitches work for them.

Has the recession changed your spending habits?

I think it changed spending habits for everyone. As a family, we cut down on big non-essential items and focused on quality holidays over quantity.

Do you invest in shares?

When I first started working in Renault many moons ago, there were two colleagues of mine always harping on about shares. I never really got into them. I did the usual like most Irish people and invested a little in Eircom and Vodafone shares. In the last couple of years I have (wisely) invested in shares within the Renault Group.

Cash or card?

On small items below €50 always cash, then everything else is the card.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?

The last thing I bought was a tent. My family and I absolutely love it. Camping is so much fun around Ireland, especially when the sun comes out.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?

Yes, thanks to my general save-not-spend habit I saved up for the family home. Saving up for a deposit on a house is such a satisfying achievement.

Have you ever lost money?

I never lost anything substantial, thankfully. My mother schooled me as a teenager playing cards at home, so that has and hopefully will continue to sort me in the future.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win?

I wouldn’t be a regular gambler at all. I like the social aspect and the atmosphere that comes with big GAA events or Punchestown, etc, so I would flitter away a few euro to join in and have a bit of craic. No big wins or losses so far.

Is money important to you?

Security is important to me, so I guess money is important in that aspect. I’m very content with my life at the moment. Money definitely isn’t my day-to-day focus. Once my house is ticking over and my family are happy and healthy, I’m truly happy with my lot.

How much money do you have on you now?

€28.80. And a credit card, just in case.