NI tourism boosted by trips across the Border

A HUGE surge in the number of people visiting Northern Ireland from the Republic during the first three months of this year delivered…

A HUGE surge in the number of people visiting Northern Ireland from the Republic during the first three months of this year delivered a £14.3 million boost for the local economy, latest figures have shown.

Between January and March the number of people who made holiday trips from the Republic to the North more than doubled compared to the corresponding period in 2008.

Total visitor numbers rose by 36 per cent, while holiday visits by people living south of the Border jumped to 52,000.

The Northern Ireland Tourist Board said visitors from the Republic spent a total of 217,000 nights in the North during the first three months of this year.


This represents an increase of 17 per cent on the previous year, which in turn helped deliver a substantial 51 per cent increase in revenue from Republic of Ireland-based visitors.

The Minister responsible for tourism in the North, Arlene Foster, said the latest visitor numbers more than exceeded expectations. “It is particularly encouraging to see the number of pure holiday visits from the Republic rise so significantly.”

Latest industry research shows business tourism revenue has slumped in the North, dragging hotel profits down.

The Northern Ireland Tourist Board estimates that business tourism revenues in 2008 were down by at least £4 million on the previous year. However, the figures also show that business tourism still generated a £135 million spend for the North’s economy last year.

Latest research from chartered accountants ASM Horwarth suggests hotels in Northern Ireland may have suffered a 12 per cent drop in profits last year, in part due to a fall in the numbers of “high value” business visitors.

Francess McDonnell

Francess McDonnell

Francess McDonnell is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business