Irish diaspora websites to merge

New site expected to attract more than 2 million visitors each month founder Niall O’Dowd. The website is to merge with John McColgan’s WorldIrish site. Photo: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

The two largest Irish diaspora sites - Irishcentral. com and - have announced a decision to merge.

The new entity which will be known as will have offices in New York and Dublin.

It is expected to attract more than two million unique visitors each month making it by far the biggest Irish diaspora website.

“We are delighted to join with John McColgan and the team at World Irish. We believe the potential to create a super site worldwide for the Irish is very real,” Irish central founder Niall O’Dowd said.


Mr McColgan will be a director of and an ad advisor to the new merged entity.

The merger will take effect from September 15.