BOD to address early birds over breakfast

International and Leinster rugby player Brian O’Driscoll will speak at An Post’s Early Bird Club breakfast event in September. O’Driscoll will tell business leaders “what it takes to be the best in the world”

Amie Peters, head of marketing at An Post, has been championing an exclusive invitation-only Early Bird Club breakfast event that is likely to appeal strongly to senior business leaders and marketing professionals.

On September 25th, Brian O’Driscoll will speak to an expected audience of 100 on “what it takes to be the best in the world’’.

There is no doubt that Brian O’Driscoll is a powerful global brand in his own right. His current Twitter audience is 352,669 and he describes himself on his Twitter handle as “Pro Rugby Player and the whitest man in sport”.

His phenomenal international rugby career and personal brand success will be of immense interest to those in business leadership roles.


The ambition, according to Peters, is “to bring commercial success stories that show how brand marketing has played a strong role in the success of famous brands by bringing high-calibre speakers to speak to Irish audiences”. While O’Driscoll does not fit into the usual mould for business speakers associated with the event, no one could argue that he, or “BOD” as he is often known, is one of the hottest brand properties in international sport.

Over the past two years, An Post has hosted nine breakfast events and some high-profile speakers have included Richard Stollery, senior director, Lego; David Magliano, who led the London 2012 Olympic bid; and Casper Stylsvig, sponsorship director for Manchester United. Award-winning chef Clodagh McKenna will cook breakfast for attendees at the morning session.