'Make or break' on energy target

THE IRISH Wind Energy Association (IWEA) will this week warn that the next nine months will either “make or break” the sector…

THE IRISH Wind Energy Association (IWEA) will this week warn that the next nine months will either “make or break” the sector’s ability to deliver on the national target of producing 40 per cent of our electricity from renewable resources by 2020.

At its annual conference in Dublin this week the association will also urge the Government to eliminate red-tape and provide a stable framework for investors in 2010 to help them fund their multi-billion euro wind projects.

Speaking ahead of the conference, IWEA chief executive Michael Walsh told The Irish Times: "2010 will be a make or break year for the Irish energy sector as decisions and plans that are made this year will have a far-reaching impact."

Mr Walsh said that all relevant Government departments and State agencies need to be “fully aligned” with the National Renewable Energy Action Plan and “equipped to deliver” on the “key actions” required for it to come to come about”.


“The importance of the green economy has been repeatedly stressed by the Government in statements from the 2008 Framework for Sustainable Economic Renewal to last year’s Revised Programme for government,” Mr Walsh added. “However, our members are growing frustrated at the increasingly difficult investment environment, which is complicated by a lack of co-ordination between official agencies.”

A study last year by Deloitte for the IWEA showed that there would be €14.7 billion invested in the Irish energy sector over the next 10 years. “This will not happen unless a stable policy framework is in place,” Mr Walsh said.

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Eamon Ryan will address the IWEA conference this week, which takes place at the Four Season’s Hotel in Dublin.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times