Golden arches retain sheen

McDONALD’S THIS week reported its seventh consecutive month of rising global sales but the Irish business will tread water this…

McDONALD’S THIS week reported its seventh consecutive month of rising global sales but the Irish business will tread water this year with sales flat at about €190 million, its Irish managing director John Atherton told me this week.

In the context of the collapse in the Irish economy, it’s a decent result and the company has been busy consolidating its position in this market with a number of new openings – the golden arches took their bow in Wexford last week.

“It was the busiest McDonald’s in Ireland last week,” Atherton beamed.

The expansion drive – €12 million is being spent this year alone – will continue in 2010, with another three or four restaurants likely to open here.


“We’re looking for drive-through locations,” he said.

Atherton, an Englishman who took the reins here about six months ago, said coffee sales had been frothy and its Eurosaver menu was proving popular with cost-conscious customers.

Atherton himself eats in McDonald’s at least twice a week. “I need to check the products,” he said.

And his menu favourite?

“A Big Mac,” he answered, although he was munching on a cheeseburger when I arrived to meet him at the Ilac Centre restaurant this week.

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock

Ciarán Hancock is Business Editor of The Irish Times