Greek think tank says outlook bleaker than forecast

IOBE says economy may shrink by up to 5% with unemployment potentially hitting 27.8%

Police try to disperse students outside Athens University yesterday. An Athens think tank has today given a bleak assessment of the Greek economy for this year. Photograph: John Kolesidis/Reuters.

Greece’s economy could shrink by as much as 5 per cent this year, the Athens-based IOBE think tank said today, revising down its previous projection and offering a more pessimistic forecast than the country’s foreign lenders.

Athens, which has been limping along on bailout funds since 2010, secured its latest lifeline from its European Union and International Monetary Fund lenders yesterday but was told it must keep its promises on cutting public sector jobs and on selling state assets to get all the cash.

But the austerity prescribed by these lenders to shore up Greek finances is expected to keep the economy in depression for a sixth consecutive year and push already soaring, record unemployment to yet new highs.

“The projection on growth must be adjusted downwards - the recession this year will be around 5.0 per cent,” IOBE said in its quarterly report. It said it would range between a decline of 4.8 and 5 per cent, compared with its previous forecast of a 4.6 per cent slump.


The EU and IMF expect the economy to shrink by 4.2 per cent in 2013; the Bank of Greece projects a contraction of 4.6 per cent. The economy shrank 6.4 per cent last year.

“Fiscal consolidation and improved competitiveness have not been coupled with successful implementation of the structural reforms programme,” the locally influential think tank said.

IOBE projected the country’s unemployment rate will rise to 27.8 per cent this year, raising its previous 27.3 per cent projection. Unemployment was 26.8 per cent at the last count.

"As long as the recession persists, the economy isn't only burning fat but also productive tissue," said Nikos Vettas, the new head of IOBE.

Prime minister Antonis Samaras’s coalition government is facing stiff resistance to the reforms meant to kickstart the economy, and protests against public sector layoffs have gathered steam in recent days.

Hundreds of municipal workers, including uniformed municipal police furious at EU/IMF-mandated layoffs in the public sector, took to the streets Athens for the second day in a row, sounding sirens and waving “Say no to layoffs!” banners.

Greece was granted three-month extension by the troika to put 12,500 public sector workers in a so-called mobility pool - meaning they have eight months to find work in a different department or end up fired - after missing a June deadline.

Some 4,200 public sector workers, among them teachers, school guards and employees at the administrative reform ministry, will be placed on the scheme by the end of July.

Newly-appointed administrative reform minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, tasked with shrinking and modernising the antiquated civil service, said he had offered to start with cuts in his own ministry, by laying off 50 of 400 staff, mostly drivers.
