Well, the Oscars managed to entertain the interwebs this week. Host Ellen DeGeneres set a new record for most retweeted photo ever with her celebrity-packed selfie – taken by Bradley Cooper and starring practically all of Hollywood, including half of Angelina's face and Jared Leto's eyeball. It was John Travolta's mangled mispronunciation of singer Idina Menzel as Adele Dazeem that got the most chuckles. The Slate got on board by creating a "Travoltify Your Name" generator. You'll have fun playing with it or my name isn't Maisie Brazent.
Spice up your life with Blend app
Blend is a gorgeous looking iPad app created by developer Eoin Doyle and graphic designer Elizabeth Maybury as part of their MSc in creative digital media (DIT). It's a free app for foodies to help you create your own fresh spice blends instead of buying packet mixes. Choose the blend by meat, heat or cuisine style, helped along by attractive images, illustrations and videos. Prop up your iPad on the kitchen counter with this app open when friends come around to dinner – it will convince them of your culinary prowess.
Kickstarter passes
$1bn in pledges
It's been almost five years since crowd-funding platform Kickstarter launched and this week it reached $1 billion in pledges from more than
5.7 million people around the world
. Some projects have been wildly popular; armed with a prototype, the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset raised $2.4 million
. Thanks to the power of crowd-funding a consumer version should be available this year
. Of course, you can always start small and start anything – I recently backed a company that makes cupcake sprinkles shaped like the TARDIS.
Web Log: What’s your John Travolta name?