Revenue reminds businesses they can claim seasonal payment under support scheme

Businesses affected by the December 24th closures can still claim for ‘restart week’

Customers enjoying a meal and a pint in a Dublin pub in early September, before indoor dining was again restricted. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times
Customers enjoying a meal and a pint in a Dublin pub in early September, before indoor dining was again restricted. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Businesses affected by the Government’s move to Level 5 will qualify for the additional seasonal Covid Restriction Support Scheme (CRSS) for the three weeks beginning December 21st, December 28th and January 4th, the Revenue Commissioners has confirmed.

The additional payment was due to businesses such as wet pubs, nightclubs, discos and casinos who were already restricted from reopening, but has now been widened to include restaurants, cafes, pubs operating as restaurants, personal services such as hairdressers and beauticians, which must close on Christmas Eve. Hotels and B&Bs are restricted to essential non-social and non-tourist services.

The additional payment provides up to double the amount of the weekly CRSS support payment due, subject to the statutory maximum payment of €5,000 per week. A qualifying business registered for CRSS and satisfied that it meets the eligibility criteria for the additional seasonal support can make a claim now in the usual manner via the eRepayments service in ROS.

The Revenue has also reminded businesses who recommenced trading following the lifting of restrictions on December 4th that they can still claim an additional CRSS “restart week” of support, if they have not already done so.


Revenue will process both CRSS and EWSS payment claims over the Christmas and New Year period as normal. However, Revenue advised businesses that as there are both Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) and domestic non-banking days over the period some payments may take a little longer than usual to reach nominated bank accounts.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics