Interest in Irish jobs rises ahead of Brexit, recruiters say

Applications from British jobseekers have increased, according to

“Ireland offers stability, well-paid jobs, a world-renowned education system and access to the EU,” says marketing director Safann Mac Carthy. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA Wire

Applications from jobseekers based in Britain for Irish roles have grown by a third ahead of Brexit, recruitment website has reported.

The company said there had been "significant" year-on-year growth in applications from Britain for roles in the IT, construction and public sectors ahead of March 29th, when the UK is due to leave the European Union.

"Ireland offers stability, well-paid jobs, a world-renowned education system and access to the EU. These are attractive traits for mobile professionals," said marketing director Safann Mac Carthy.

Overseas visits to accounted for 17 per cent of the total traffic to the site in 2018.


“As the Brexit deadline draws closer, Ireland is seeing a huge influx of investment from UK and multinational companies seeking to relocate or expand in Ireland,” Ms MacCarthy said.


“Equally, our statistics show that people movement is matching that shift. 2018 marks the highest increase we’ve seen in UK applications for Irish-based roles and the current political climate indicates that this growth is set to continue into 2019.”

Accountancy giant EY earlier this month named Dublin the top “Brexodus” location for financial services companies, ahead of Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid and Amsterdam.