More workers than jobs in construction despite growth

Employment website Indeed says the rate of demand to jobs is now three to one

Carpentry jobs are among the most in demand but competition outstrips availability. Photograph: iStock

Jobs in the construction sector have grown substantially over two years but the amount of people looking for work still outpaces opportunities by three to one, an international employment service has said.

Analysis from the job website Ineed found postings for skilled trades people increased by 44 per cent between 2014 and 2016.

Key roles have included carpenters (with a 94 per cent increase in jobs postings), electricians (30 per cent) and plumbers (29 per cent), all of which are representative of a wider industry trend.

However, despite this increase, Indeed’s real time data has indicated jobseeker interest for such roles outpaces employer demand for their services by a ratio of three to one.


This data suggests a surplus of workers, pointing to additional challenges for the troubled construction sector.

"While there is clear evidence of growth in the construction sector, our data gives rise to concern that the acceleration is not happening quickly enough," said Indeed economist Mariano Mamertino.

“While this is good news for employers looking for skilled talent - they have a healthy pipeline from which to pluck - jobseekers in these skilled roles will face stiff competition. This is likely to be part of the reason this group of workers forms the largest group on Ireland’s live register.”

The Construction Industry Federation believes the sector can potentially generate an additional 112,000 jobs by 2020.

This growth is predicated on the delivery of the Government’s €42 billion Capital Investment Plan and ambitious housing strategy.

However, Mr Mamertino said that although continued growth is expected, it is unlikely to return to the “boom days of the past”.

“A careful balancing act needs to be maintained so there is enough talent in the marketplace to meet the expected upsurge in demand - while also ensuring that unemployed construction workers are able to get jobs right now.”

Indeed's headquarters for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) is based in Ireland where it employs 450 people.

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times