ICOS allege meat factories subverting market

Society alleges plants are controlling and manipulating pricing

ICOS have claimed Irish meat factories are subverting the free trade of livestock between the two jurisdictions on the island of Ireland and into the UK. Photo: Bloomberg

Irish meat factories are subverting the free trade of livestock between the two jurisdictions on the island of Ireland and into the UK, the Irish Co-operative Organisation Society (ICOS) has alleged.

At a meeting with the European Directorate for Competition, ICOS claimed meat factories are controlling and manipulating pricing and they are actively discriminating against livestock marts.

Michael Spellman, chairman of ICOS, said livestock marts provide the only modern day competition to the factories and that is why the factories are attempting to stifle the live trade by placing a stranglehold on live cattle sales in both jurisdictions and on a cross border basis.

“Irish owned meat factories have demanded adherence to onerous conditions around the movement of livestock and which have no basis in terms of regulation or quality and no justification on animal welfare or veterinary grounds.”