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CVs at the ready as RTÉ seeks ‘two exceptional leaders’

Director of content role will be split into a director of audio and a director of video

The successful candidate, in both cases, must have 'shrewd editorial judgment'. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

“Exceptional leaders” wanted. RTÉ has advertised for two new “senior creative leads” to join its leadership team: a director of audio and a director of video. Both jobs will require a lot of spearheading, forging and championing, the recruitment ads suggest, though ironically it’s the director of audio who must possess “an exceptional grasp of the bigger picture”.

The two roles will replace the title of director of content, which is currently held by Jim Jennings, who is on illness leave from the broadcaster.

Director general Kevin Bakhurst’s move to split this content role into two is a partial unwinding of a restructuring by his predecessor Dee Forbes in which the old managing director of television, managing director of radio and managing director of digital roles were stood down.

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These job titles were succeeded in 2017 by two new ones, with then radio boss Jennings appointed as director of content and then RTÉ One controller Adrian Lynch becoming director of audience, channels and marketing. In the absence of Jennings, it is deputy director of content Niamh O’Connor who has been sitting on Bakhurst’s interim leadership team.


The new appointments will only represent a partial unwinding of the previous administration’s rejigging of the executive chairs as Lynch — one of the few survivors of the Forbes era — remains in place, meaning the responsibilities of the director of audio and director of video roles are focused on the editorial management and commissioning side.

The successful candidate, in both cases, must have “shrewd editorial judgment”, “strong commercial and financial acumen” and a “commitment to inclusivity and respect”, according to the recruitment ads published yesterday. Weirdly, a talent for emerging from gruelling Oireachtas media committees unscathed is not specified.