BBC broadcaster Gambaccini questioned over sexual offences

BBC presenter was arrested at his home in south London

Paul Gambaccini who has confirmed he was arrested
Paul Gambaccini who has confirmed he was arrested

Broadcaster Paul Gambaccini has been arrested and questioned in connection with sexual offences by British detectives investigating decades-old allegations.

The BBC presenter was arrested at his home in south London on Tuesday and taken for questioning. He has since been released on bail.

The arrest was made by Operation Yewtree detectives, although it is not connected with Yewtree’s primary focus into allegations against Jimmy Savile.

A second man, aged 74, was arrested at the same time, but he remains unnamed. Sixteen people have now been arrested since Yewtree began.


The BBC confirmed that Gambaccini (64) would not be presenting his Radio 2 show in the immediate future.

A spokesman for the broadcaster said: “Paul Gam- baccini has decided that, in light of today’s media attention, he would rather not be on air at present and we respect that decision. There- fore, Paul will not be presenting on BBC Radio in coming weeks and replacement programmes for the period will be announced soon.”

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times