Calls for action on tax evadersMOVES TO battle the illegal use of foreign-registered cars in the Republic are being hampered by motorists who are resident here…Wed Aug 12 2009 - 01:00
Legislation puts road transport licence holders under scrutinyDETAILS OF the new legislation setting minimum standards for holders of road transport licences were announced yesterdayWed Aug 12 2009 - 01:00
Leisure must be liberating, school toldTRUE LEISURE should be a process involving freedom, self-discovery and growth, the Parnell Summer School in Co Wicklow heard …Wed Aug 12 2009 - 01:00
March in support of dock workers' strikeUP TO 400 people from the Ringsend and Irishtown areas yesterday marched from the East Link to Dublin Port in support of striking…Tue Aug 11 2009 - 01:00
Invite 'heavy hitters' to party on Patrick's Day, group urgesGOVERNMENT MINISTERS should stay at home for next St Patrick’s Day and instead invite their counterparts to a major, multi-million…Tue Aug 11 2009 - 01:00
Search continues for Wicklow manTHE SEARCH continued in Co Wicklow yesterday for missing Wicklow town man Stephen O’Meara (26), who has not been seen for almost…Tue Aug 11 2009 - 01:00
Seized gun was meant for reprisal attack, say gardaíGARDAÍ BELIEVE a gun seized in Clondalkin early on Saturday morning was to be used in a reprisal attackMon Aug 10 2009 - 01:00
March for lifting of ban on same-sex marriages told new Bill is inadequateGOVERNMENT PLANS to introduce laws on civil partnership have been criticised by the former director of the Equality Authority…Mon Aug 10 2009 - 01:00
Protest for same-sex marriageUp to 5,000 people gathered outside the Department of Justice in St Stephen's Green this afternoon to protest against the Government…Sun Aug 09 2009 - 01:00
Legal threat over bus lane protestsA NUMBER of Blackrock residents who have been blocking construction work on the proposed Monkstown ring road in Dublin have received…Sat Aug 08 2009 - 01:00
Call for release of secret files on dumpingTHE DEPARTMENT of the Environment has been criticised by the office of the Commissioner for Environmental Information, Emily …Sat Aug 08 2009 - 01:00
Meeting of residents and council recordedEXCHANGES BETWEEN residents of Blackrock, Co Dublin, and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown county manager Owen Keegan became heated yesterday…Fri Aug 07 2009 - 01:00
Blackrock locals risk jail in bus lane protestRESIDENTS OF Blackrock, Co Dublin, said they will risk jail this morning in a bid to highlight their protest against the development…Thu Aug 06 2009 - 01:00
Council to review city parking feesDUBLIN CITY council is considering reducing on-street parking charges at specific times of the day in a bid to encourage shoppers…Wed Aug 05 2009 - 01:00
EU regulations 'threaten Irish coach tourism'THE NUMBER of days a professional coach driver can work is to be increased from six to 12 under EU law – but only for drivers…Wed Aug 05 2009 - 01:00
Transport emissions rose during celtic tiger era - CSOTRANSPORT WAS the worst-performing area in terms of the State’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the years…Sat Aug 01 2009 - 01:00
M50 toll fines to reach €100 million in first 12 monthsPOTENTIAL INCOME from toll fees and fines on Dublin’s M50 is in the order of €180 million in the 12 months to August, the National…Sat Aug 01 2009 - 01:00
Signs of stability emerging - TánaisteTHE ECONOMY is not out of trouble yet but signs of stability are emerging, Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment…Fri Jul 31 2009 - 01:00
Motorists are asked to stop 'reckless behaviour' on roadsTHE GARDA has appealed for motorists to “face up to their responsibilities and stop reckless behaviour” on the roads over the…Fri Jul 31 2009 - 01:00
Future taxes must focus on pollution rather than employment, says RyanFUTURE TAXES should be “taxes on pollution” as opposed to taxes on employment, Minister for Energy Eamon Ryan said yesterday…Thu Jul 30 2009 - 01:00
Bank holiday road warningFIVE PEOPLE are expected to be killed on Irish roads and 21 seriously injured over the August bank holiday weekend, if the experience…Wed Jul 29 2009 - 01:00
Quarter of points not applicableTHE RATE of cases of motorists escaping penalty points is rising by almost 2 per cent annually, and now represents more than …Wed Jul 29 2009 - 01:00
Wicklow council begins computer checksWICKLOW COUNTY Council has begun an examination of its 300 computers for references to the Whitestown illegal landfill in west…Wed Jul 29 2009 - 01:00
Art collector died in hospital against his wishes, court toldBUSINESSMAN AND art collector Gordon Lambert, who donated more than 300 paintings to the Irish Museum of Modern Art (Imma), died…Tue Jul 28 2009 - 01:00
Focus Ireland calls for 'social dividend' from Nama landsTHE NATIONAL Asset Management Agency (Nama) should draw up a land and housing strategy, aimed at ensuring a “social dividend” …Mon Jul 27 2009 - 01:00
New powers to be used justly, says Garda chiefNEW GARDA powers to tackle organised crime will be implemented “proportionately”, Garda Commissioner Fachtna Murphy said yesterday…Sat Jul 25 2009 - 01:00
Garda rural presence vital, says AhernNOTHING WILL be done to remove Garda coverage in rural areas or reduce numbers involved in rural policing, Minister for Justice…Sat Jul 25 2009 - 01:00
Company that demolished convent gets site planningA PROPERTY development company which was last year fined €1,000 for illegally demolishing a 19th century convent in south Dublin…Fri Jul 24 2009 - 01:00
Council approves quarry expansionWICKLOW COUNTY Council has granted planning permission for the expansion of a quarry which it is currently prosecuting for operating…Fri Jul 24 2009 - 01:00
Witness contact by engineer allegedSENIOR OFFICIALS of Wicklow County Council, including its law agent, have been accused of a “possibly unprecedented” attempt …Wed Jul 22 2009 - 01:00
Relatives ask court to strike down businessman's willBUSINESSMAN AND art collector Gordon Lambert forbade his nieces and nephews and extended family from visiting him in his declining…Tue Jul 21 2009 - 01:00
Detection of drink-driving at checkpoints has fallen significantlyTHE INCIDENCE of drink-driving detected at checkpoints has fallen significantly since the introduction of random breath-testing…Mon Jul 20 2009 - 01:00
Adviser accused of lying and contemptAN ENVIRONMENTAL consultant who was retained by Wicklow County Council to advise on the clean-up of a number of illegal dumps…Sat Jul 18 2009 - 01:00
Garda plan crackdown on 'boy racers'A MAJOR new crackdown on so-called “boy racers”, is being planned by the Garda which in recent days has advertised for new technology…Fri Jul 17 2009 - 01:00
'No record' of tunnel test requestDUBLIN PORT Tunnel has been left out of a major, independent European tunnel safety assessment scheme – allegedly because of …Wed Jul 15 2009 - 01:00
'Disappointing' results in holiday car rental testsGOOD SERVICE from holiday car rental companies is a concept “unknown” to many European rental agencies, and Irish motorists may…Wed Jul 01 2009 - 01:00
Campaign groups give cautious reaction to BillTHE GAY and Lesbian Equality Network described the Civil Partnership Bill as “an historic civil rights reform” that would resolve…Sat Jun 27 2009 - 01:00
Council forces developer to demolish six housesSIX HOUSES built without planning permission in Rathdrum, Co Wicklow, have been demolished some six years after enforcement proceedings…Fri Jun 26 2009 - 01:00
New codes to protect archaeological sitesNEW MOVES to improve archaeological protection on major building projects were announced yesterdayThu Jun 25 2009 - 01:00
Mount Charles 'far from happy' at reports on Oasis Slane showLORD HENRY Mount Charles has said he is now “far from happy” with organisational aspects of the Oasis concert held at Slane Castle…Thu Jun 25 2009 - 01:00
Employers to set road safety rulesALMOST HALF of all employers have no "driving for work policy", leaving them partly liable for up to 100 road deaths and many…Wed Jun 24 2009 - 01:00
Newcastle is named best kept townNEWCASTLE, CO Down, has been named Ireland’s Best Kept Town in an all-island competition.Tue Jun 23 2009 - 01:00
Fire officers unhappy with new structuresA NEW national directorate to oversee the fire service was announced yesterday, but the proceedings were boycotted by full-time…Tue Jun 23 2009 - 01:00
Chambers Ireland urges completion of Larne-Rosslare motorwayTHE GOVERNMENT must complete work on Ireland’s only motorway in the EU Trans- European network, Euroroute 01, which links Larne…Sat Jun 20 2009 - 01:00
Ryanair 'within its rights' not to promote claimantsRYANAIR IS within its rights not to promote staff who make industrial relations claims against it, the firm told the Employment…Fri Jun 19 2009 - 01:00
Investment in wind energy essential - reportTHE GOVERNMENT needs to invest up to €700 million over the next 18 months to begin meeting its targets for renewable and secure…Tue Jun 16 2009 - 01:00
Road deaths linked to work vehiclesUP TO 100 people who die in road crashes each year are drivers of vehicles being used for work, a conference on work-related …Tue Jun 16 2009 - 01:00
Company cars in more collisions, conference toldCompany cars are involved in 30 to 40 per cent more collisions than ordinary cars, a conference on road safety at work has been…Mon Jun 15 2009 - 01:00
Minister urges commuters to try cycling to workMINISTER FOR Transport Noel Dempsey yesterday urged commuters to try cycling – and revealed the Government is seeking alternative…Mon Jun 15 2009 - 01:00
Hybrid 'rail bus' proposal for Limerick Junction serviceIRISH RAIL is considering replacing the Waterford to Limerick Junction services with a “rail bus” – a hybrid vehicle which can…Mon Jun 15 2009 - 01:00