Understanding earnings game by reading between the linesWith US earnings season about to start, it is no harm to learn how to decipher statementsTue Jul 08 2014 - 01:00
Four market myths that continue to mislead but motivate investorsFolk wisdom is full of gems on supply and demand. But beware: they are based on faulty logicTue Jul 01 2014 - 01:15
World Cup has striking effect on activity in financial marketsIn sport and in trade, it is all about winning and losing – and financial investments are affected by bothTue Jun 24 2014 - 01:10
Beware the bite of the ‘top dogs’The top ranking companies in every sector go on to suffer years of underperformance, a US expert claimsTue Jun 17 2014 - 01:10
Win or lose, are you lucky or shrewd?Recent polls shows that people put good returns down to skill while bad ones are blamed on bad luck. But now there are calls for a more scientific approachTue Jun 10 2014 - 01:10
Advice that stands test of timeInvestors have more access to information than ever but they still return to classic books for inspirationTue Jun 03 2014 - 01:10
Eye-popping IPO gains are the exception not the ruleInvestors can be lured by the promise of outsized profits from market debutantes, but history suggests they should steer clearTue May 27 2014 - 01:10
When it comes to investing, don’t ignore the Big MoBuying winners and selling losers sounds like a dumb money strategy, but momentum drives marketsTue May 20 2014 - 01:10
Ranking companies by the CEO’s salary can prove costlyThe lionisation of CEOs has resulted in multi-million euro pay packages, but research indicates their importance is overstatedTue May 13 2014 - 01:15
Blunderers and bad gamblers: meet the world’s biggest losersSean Quinn’s fall from grace was spectacular, but he’s not the first high-flier to have been taught a painful lesson by the marketsTue May 06 2014 - 01:18
Widespread fears of a new tech bubble are overblownDespite some crazed internet valuations, 2014 is not a rerun of 1999Tue Apr 29 2014 - 01:10
Value means buying the ugly ducklings, not the darlingsA new fund consists of the markets currently most loathed – including Ireland, Greece and Russia – but there’s no room for the US, the UK or GermanyTue Apr 22 2014 - 01:10
Keep it simple, stupid – because degree of difficulty doesn’t countGiven that hedge funds, have underperformed stock markets for each of the last five years, why do we still pay their exorbitant fees?Tue Apr 15 2014 - 01:10
Why thinking by numbers trumps intuition in investingQuantitative screening techniques have shownit’s time for investors to get nerdy and ditch opinionsTue Apr 08 2014 - 01:10
Word to the wise: finding investment insight onlineThere has been an explosion in investment blogging over the past decade, but which sites are worth reading?Tue Apr 01 2014 - 01:10
There’s much to learn from the investor, but not all ‘Buffettisms’ are golden rulesWarren Buffett: a lifetime of investment genius from the Oracle of OmahaTue Mar 18 2014 - 01:08
Model investment behaviour falls foul of that age-old handicap: intuitionWhen it comes to selecting progressive stocks too many of us find ‘cognitive effort’ too much botherTue Mar 11 2014 - 01:09
The ‘psychology of stupidity’ in decisions on investmentsA lifetime of research into dodgy decision-making has not helped Daniel Kahneman see the error of his waysTue Mar 04 2014 - 01:10
Century of market history has harsh lessons for investorsAnalysis shows investors underestimate volatility, overestimate the impact of economic growth and are poor at timing transactionsTue Feb 25 2014 - 01:10
Hold on – and keep down the risk of losing out with equitiesIs buying and holding equities as safe as it seems? That depends where you put your money, say expertsTue Feb 18 2014 - 01:12
Stocktake: should we bet on 'cheap' Brazil?Emerging markets look cheap, we’ve noted recently, but some – like Brazil – are cheaper than others.Tue Feb 18 2014 - 01:05
Stocktake: Investors urged to grin and bear yo-yo marketEmerging market stresses may be the story de jourTue Feb 11 2014 - 08:55
Men too ‘hormonal’ when trading as women produce better returnsTrading floors may be male dominated but research shows women do better because they screw up lessTue Feb 04 2014 - 02:00
Stocktake: Unpopular emerging markets a good betEmerging markets are about as popular as Dennis Rodman at a UN Security Council meetingTue Feb 04 2014 - 01:10
2014 resolutions: investment mantras that could yield a happy new yearThere is no better time to review your portfolio of investments and make sure they are working for youTue Jan 07 2014 - 01:08
Stellar gains on global marketsCalm markets were reflected in the Vix – or fear index – hitting a six-year low of 12 and never exceeding its averageFri Dec 27 2013 - 01:01
Taper talk continues to dominate markets – and US boom worriesBut bulls are confident the Fed and global central bankers will ease off on liquidity rather than halt itFri Dec 27 2013 - 00:57