FF and FG commit to new climate Bill within 100 days of new governmentTwo parties ask Greens to join them in starting work on programme of governmentWed Apr 29 2020 - 13:45
Political economy injects itself into Covid-19 crisis decisionsPublic health no longer sole hymn sheet as Cabinet weighs up social and wealth costsWed Apr 29 2020 - 02:54
Coronavirus: No decision reached at Cabinet meeting over easing Ireland’s lockdownLengthy discussion saw differing views expressed with Harris urging cautionTue Apr 28 2020 - 15:23
Coronavirus: 18 more deaths reported in State bringing total to 1,102Nursing home patients with Covid-19 less likely to be hospitalised for treatment, figures showMon Apr 27 2020 - 20:03
Odds favour a coalition deal being done by mid-JuneThe choice for the Greens is to deal with the world as it is, or to wait in hope that the world changesSat Apr 25 2020 - 05:00
Green coalition demands 'doable' for Fianna Fáil and Fine GaelGreen Party demands including red-line 7% annual cut to carbon emissions ‘all doable’Fri Apr 24 2020 - 01:00
Passengers arriving in Ireland will be checked to ensure they self-isolateNew figures show that the rate of transmission for coronavirus is being suppressedThu Apr 23 2020 - 18:51
Donohoe warns finances spent on Covid-19 will have to be rebalancedFianna Fáil’s finance spokesman Michael McGrath says decisions on public finances ‘for another day’Thu Apr 23 2020 - 18:36
‘Jaw-dropping’ confidential memo warns of ‘divisive’ phaseMemo outlines extension of rent freeze and tapering-off of welfare paymentsThu Apr 23 2020 - 01:00
Ireland favours EU action on Covid-19 but is wary of tax reformIreland sits between ‘strict’ Dutch and ‘more elastic’ Italian-Spanish stance at EU summitWed Apr 22 2020 - 20:00
Dire economic forecasts predict €23 billion deficitNeasa Hourigan states the predictions are ‘not a good reason to stay out’ of a coalitionWed Apr 22 2020 - 02:05
Ireland is going to have to rebuild its economy, for the second time in a decadeEmergency measures to counter impact of coronavirus not sustainable in the long termWed Apr 22 2020 - 01:37
Coronavirus: 8% budget deficit and 15% jobless likely by year-endDonohoe to give Cabinet outline of Covid-19 toll on finances before submission to EuropeTue Apr 21 2020 - 02:59
Tighter rules on entering Ireland to be discussed with StormontOptions thought to include closer supervision of quarantine for people coming inTue Apr 21 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus: State working on plan for staged lifting of restrictions, Taoiseach saysGovernment looking at how it can get Irish workers for seasonal jobs like fruit pickingMon Apr 20 2020 - 14:09
Historic deal based on the policies of ‘excluded’ Sinn FéinLittle expectation in Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael that smaller parties will join themWed Apr 15 2020 - 05:00
FF and FG agree historic policy document for coalitionFramework document to pave the way for a ‘full and equal partnership’Wed Apr 15 2020 - 02:05
FG and FF coalition may not be as fragile as it soundsCovid-19 crisis has shown there is a desire for open, honest and competent governmentSat Apr 11 2020 - 05:00
Coronavirus: Government to scale up tracking as shutdown extendedEasing of restrictions after May bank holiday will depend on ability to test widely for casesSat Apr 11 2020 - 03:15
Coronavirus: Another 25 deaths announced in the Republic as lockdown extended to May 5thGood Friday fatalities bring Covid-19 toll to 288 – with average age of today’s deaths 85Fri Apr 10 2020 - 21:13
Growing hope in Government of partial easing of restrictions after May bank holidayKey to any decision to relax restrictions will be an enhanced ability to test and traceFri Apr 10 2020 - 01:35
Coronavirus: Government to extend restrictions for at least two weeksSenior officials working on plans for ‘phased’ exit from lockdown next monthFri Apr 10 2020 - 00:05
Coronavirus: The inside story of how gardaí were granted their new powersTaoiseach was reluctant to grant new powers, but Kehoe, Madigan and Flanagan were in favourThu Apr 09 2020 - 00:01
Department of Health agrees memo with the North on Covid-19Dr Gabriel Scally says it is ‘an excellent framework for real decisive and united action’Tue Apr 07 2020 - 21:01
FG, FF set to agree principles to form new governmentSenior officials begin work on a programme for national recoveryMon Apr 06 2020 - 01:29
Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to put pressure back on smaller partiesLittle sign new Labour leader Alan Kelly will change decision not to enter governmentMon Apr 06 2020 - 00:33
Pat Leahy: Small parties seem intent on fleeing from governmentDáil arithmetic puts Greens and Social Democrats in pivotal positionsSat Apr 04 2020 - 05:00
Coronavirus: Gardaí can ask but cannot yet compel people to return homeRegulations giving effect to the emergency powers have yet to be finalised, senior Government sources confirmFri Apr 03 2020 - 16:58
Coronavirus: Warning over rate of growth as 13 more die in RepublicIrish cases of Covid-19 rising at rate of 10% a day as global total passes 1m markFri Apr 03 2020 - 02:27
Coronavirus: 13 more deaths in Republic with 402 new cases confirmedVaradkar says plan is for Leaving and Junior Cert exams to go aheadThu Apr 02 2020 - 21:37
Coronavirus: 14 more deaths as list of essential workers published by the GovernmentNorth introduces sweeping powers; Local authorities to lead supports for people cocooningSat Mar 28 2020 - 21:52
Pat Leahy: Five reasons a government of national unity is a bad ideaHaving everyone in government would make decision-making harder, not easierSat Mar 28 2020 - 05:00
Inside the Government's battle against coronavirusWorking under unparalleled pressure, Irish officials are facing the crisis with trepidationSat Mar 28 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus: People told to stay at home in virtually all circumstancesGardaí to mount major show of force over weekend to ensure complianceFri Mar 27 2020 - 23:45
Coronavirus: People must stay at home, with limited exceptions, until Easter SundayCitizens are told not to walk more than 2km from their homesFri Mar 27 2020 - 22:30
Parties make breakthrough on talks to form government‘Working majority’ needed, says Varadkar as FG and FF edge closer to accordThu Mar 26 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus: Two more deaths and 235 new cases confirmed in RepublicTwo more deaths reported in North as Harris says country is just at beginning of the crisisWed Mar 25 2020 - 20:40
Coronavirus: People told to stay at home, non-essential shops closedNumber testing positives jumps by over 200 for second day in a row, while another fatality is recordedWed Mar 25 2020 - 00:10
Coronavirus: Government closes non-essential shops as seventh death confirmed204 new cases in State as gatherings restricted to four people and measures extended until April 19thTue Mar 24 2020 - 21:41
Nothing off limits in Varadkar plan to stem coronavirusGovernment will take on heaps more debt as it seeks to replace some of workers’ lost payTue Mar 24 2020 - 20:20
Emergency legislation on rent freeze and evictions due in DáilMinisters will approve legislation expected to get all-party backing at incorporeal Cabinet meetingTue Mar 24 2020 - 01:00
Coronavirus: Ban on all non-essential travel, commercial, social activity mootedCabinet to discuss ban on commercial, social activity and on all non-essential travelTue Mar 24 2020 - 00:11
Coronavirus: Government set to announce new travel, work restrictionsSignificant new restrictions on movement expected after death toll rises to sixMon Mar 23 2020 - 23:07
Coronavirus: Government to seek to keep public spaces openVaradkar says further restrictions will only be implemented based on expert adviceMon Mar 23 2020 - 16:01
Coronavirus has upended our politics and the turbulence may just be beginningShape of next government depends on if we are following example of Singapore or ItalySat Mar 21 2020 - 05:00
Coronavirus response could cost the Republic up to €10bnGovernment will borrow heavily to cover demand on health service and fall in tax receiptsFri Mar 20 2020 - 01:24
Coronavirus: Ireland warned ‘tens of thousands’ could die if advice is ignoredDáil passes laws giving Government power of people’s freedom as number of cases hits 557Thu Mar 19 2020 - 22:54
Prospect of early agreement on new government fades in face of Covid-19 crisisDiscussions due to continue on Thursday and Friday between FG and FFWed Mar 18 2020 - 20:57
What the Taoiseach said in his speech – and what he meantLeo Varadkar’s televised address to the nation on St Patrick’s Day – the main pointsWed Mar 18 2020 - 17:10
Coronavirus: Varadkar asks for calm and signals difficulties aheadSober message of challenges lasting several months and preparations under wayTue Mar 17 2020 - 22:39