Snow White panto review: Gleefully naughty, infectious entertainmentAlan Hughes’s long-running pantomime uses raucous humour to winning effectThu Dec 13 2018 - 15:06
Pat vs ex-pats: Kenny wonders if emigrants have paid their duesNewstalk host is at his most logical during spirited encounter, while Vicky Phelan tells her story to the world in BBC documentarySat Dec 08 2018 - 05:00
Ciara Kelly brings fresh perspective to male-dominated NewstalkYear in Culture Review: The news station proved a raucous alternative to staid formulaic radioSat Dec 08 2018 - 05:00
Callous courtroom tactics against women put on trial by Marian FinucaneRadio Review: Presenter finds her old fire over sex assault cases as terms gender gap emergesSat Dec 01 2018 - 05:00
Paddy Jackson’s lawyer explains courtroom tactics in Belfast rape trialReview: Airing of explicit detail in this documentary risks voyeurism, but is justifiedSat Nov 24 2018 - 15:00
For whom the bell tolls: Ray D'Arcy tires of the AngelusRadio Review: Presenter’s irritation at religious slot brings him to life, while Sean O’Rourke needs time to reflect on his show’s adversarial approachSat Nov 24 2018 - 05:00
Goodbye George Hook. You should have stuck to your plan and quit in 2016Mick Heaney: The attention-loving shock-jock has announced his retirement. It’s overdueThu Nov 22 2018 - 17:45
Joe Duffy and Myles Dungan make hidden history a thing of the pastRadio Review: RTÉ presenters look at historical events from different angles but both bring welcome perspectivesSat Nov 17 2018 - 05:00
Commuter ‘hell’: €3,500 a year for packed, delayed trainsRadio review: Newstalk’s Henry McKean reports from inside ‘a sardine can on wheels’Sat Nov 10 2018 - 05:00
Is that Ivan Yates or an ostrich with its head in the sand?The Newstalk presenter is in jocular mood about wild animals being wiped outSat Nov 03 2018 - 07:00
Morbid fascination: Ciara Kelly talks life and death in Tuam homeNewstalk presenter uses her medical background to telling effect, while Sean O’Rourke sticks to the grim factsSat Oct 27 2018 - 05:00
Joe Duffy’s Educate Together spat is pure Liveline pantoReview: Duffy is getting his practice in for his role in the upcoming Snow White pantoSat Oct 20 2018 - 05:00
I can’t help feeling that George Lee relishes breaking bad newsRadio: The environment editor’s voice dips more than usual as he relays the imminent ArmageddonSat Oct 13 2018 - 05:00
Huffing and puffing Bobby Kerr, a magic dragon for lazy SundaysThe Dragon not running for president brings a genial appeal to his Newstalk showSun Oct 07 2018 - 09:39
Mining Stories review: Innovative, resonant take on a dam-burst disasterDublin Theatre Festival: Silke Huysmans and Hannes Dereere bring a light touch to their weighty materialMon Oct 01 2018 - 10:17
Sean O’Rourke boxes clever as Brexit rematch turns bitterPresenter proves hell hath no fury like an economist scorned, as Volt fails to impress MoncrieffSat Sept 29 2018 - 05:00
Serial series 3: A modest show with much to be modest aboutReview: The long-form US crime podcast has gone back to basics. A little too basic, actuallyWed Sept 26 2018 - 00:04
Peaches Christ Superstar review: Cult singer’s rock opera triumphDublin Fringe Festival: Transgressive electro artist brings bravura spirit to Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s musicalMon Sept 24 2018 - 11:55
2FM: A frenetic world of squawky voices and auto-tuned popThe home of Nicky Byrne, Jenny Greene and Eoghan McDermott has some unlikely fansSat Sept 22 2018 - 05:00
My Dad’s Blind review: Singular vision of a life marred by blindnessDublin Fringe Festival: Two-hander is marked by visual flair and dark comedyThu Sept 20 2018 - 13:09
Newstalk’s Captain Sensible and Sid Vicious bicker onIt can be easy to forget that Shane Coleman and Paul Williams have formidable news pedigreesSat Sept 15 2018 - 05:00
Robert Ballagh: ‘Betty was really good at assessing things. I don’t have that any more’The artist and political activist has written his ‘reluctant memoir’ at 75. It’s dominated by one major absence: his wife and artistic compass, Betty, who died in 2011Sat Sept 15 2018 - 05:00
Running + Walking In The Phoenix Park review: Offbeat jogging show runs out of breathDublin Fringe: Multimedia drama on traversing Dublin’s municipal space has absorbing elements but eventually wears thinFri Sept 14 2018 - 11:15
Ireland's Call review: A stark anthem to life on the marginsDublin Fringe Festival: John Connors lends a charismatic presence to his polemical portrait of urban deprivationThu Sept 13 2018 - 11:30
Brendan Galileo for Europe review: A frenetically enjoyable one-man showDublin Fringe Festival: Fionn Foley is irresistible as an anti-establishment politicianWed Sept 12 2018 - 10:37
Agony uncle Ray D'Arcy gives relatively good adviceD’Arcy doles out the advice while admirably brisk Mary Wilson is baffled by midlife crisesSat Sept 08 2018 - 05:00
Miriam O’Callaghan’s unrelenting grilling of ‘posh’ Eoghan MurphyO’Callaghan shows a different kind of class in her inteview with Jastine Valdez’s parentsSat Sept 01 2018 - 05:00
Could happen to a bishop: Excruciating seconds of dead airRadio review: Presenter Gavin Jennings asserts his authority on ‘Morning Ireland’Sat Aug 25 2018 - 05:00
Katie Hopkins’s only talent: being tiresome and repellentRadio: 4FM’s Niall Boylan invites Hopkins on to discuss race relations. It’s shock-jock overkillSun Aug 19 2018 - 16:21
Aretha Franklin: When she sang, nothing else matteredMick Heaney: Her impact went far beyond music – she changed the world around herThu Aug 16 2018 - 15:44
No contest as majestic Miriam O’Callaghan wears her crown lightlyPresenter brings overlooked strengths to ‘Today’ show, while Liveline has unlikely glowSat Jul 28 2018 - 05:00
Pat Kenny pushes cocaine line to surreal limitsRadio review:Pat Kenny proves stimulating company while Jordan Peterson interview breathes life into Marian Finucane’s showSat Jul 21 2018 - 05:00
Come On Home: A tale of sexual repression and provincial suffocationReview: Phillip McMahon's story of a returning emigrant offers few innovations but vivid performances and resonant dialogueWed Jul 18 2018 - 11:20
Mario Rosenstock finds that being himself is a tricky actRadio Review: Rosenstock’s wit, invention and observation are absent from his radio showSat Jul 14 2018 - 05:00
Tinnitus: ‘Like stormtroopers marching on gravel’Radio Review: A compelling documentary about the hearing condition; Lyric uses sound to re-create visionsSat Jul 07 2018 - 05:00
Ivan Yates complains about people who complain all the timeRadio review: “Do people ever stop bitching?” asks Yates. Has he met Mr Pot and Mr Kettle?Sat Jun 30 2018 - 05:00
Alcoholidays: Drunken tales from planes, trains and automobilesRadio review: Joe Duffy listeners share stomach-churning stories of abusive passengersSat Jun 23 2018 - 05:00
Radio review: Listening to Pat Kenny talking about LSD is a tripKenny describes attending a festival in the 1970s with “a dopehead” who had taken acidSat Jun 16 2018 - 05:00
Red nose, White House: when Ryan Tubridy met Bill ClintonMeanwhile, Muireann O’Connell is unembarrassed on Today FMSat Jun 09 2018 - 05:00
No Joe as Philip Boucher-Hayes puts positive stamp on ‘Liveline’Stand-in host brings distinctive spin to adoption and referendum issues, but Gay Byrne remains the old masterSat Jun 02 2018 - 05:00
A jolting glimpse into the whirrings of Pat Kenny’s mindRadio Review: Pat Kenny – being Pat Kenny – goes off on a bizarre tangent on Jastine Valdez’ migration statusSat May 26 2018 - 05:00
Ronan Farrow interview shows Sean O’Rourke at his bestRadio review: Sean O’Rourke discusses Trump’s America with Maureen Dowd and Ronan FarrowSat May 19 2018 - 05:00
A livid John McGuirk has all the nuance of a grenade attackRadio review: Presenter Matt Cooper has fractious exchanges with anti-abortion campaignerSat May 12 2018 - 05:00
RTÉ presenters keep cervical screening on the air as authorities fail the testJoe Duffy, Ray D’Arcy and Mary Wilson highlight different aspects of the controversySat May 05 2018 - 05:00
The best-groomed male in Newstalk? There’s no competitionRadio review: Paul Williams and Shane Coleman blend news and jocular slaggingSat Apr 28 2018 - 05:00
City slicker Ryan Tubridy walks the country roads with easeRadio review: Suprisingly, the RTÉ presenter is the ideal person to pay tribute to Big Tom McBrideSat Apr 21 2018 - 05:00
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. But what planet is David Quinn from?Radio: The columnist find it strange he is ‘not allowed to say something good about men’Sat Apr 14 2018 - 05:00
A quietly forceful rebuke to Danny Healy-Rae’s outburstRadio: No papal bull as radio presenters give muted welcome to pontiff’s visitSat Mar 24 2018 - 05:00
Ivan Yates: liberal-baiting shock jock or rebel without applause?Radio review: Newstalk host’s insurgent style masks a complex personaSat Mar 17 2018 - 05:00
Ryan Tubridy’s Cheltenham quiz should have been a non-runnerIt’s an uneasy experience to hear a big online betting company given so much promotionSat Mar 10 2018 - 05:00