Connectivity key to Ireland’s successful migration storyEU tax on aviation fuel will incentivise airlines to be more environmentally friendly while retaining links with familiesFri Mar 01 2024 - 05:00
Germany has a problem with a rigid constitutional rule that narrowly limits the permissible budget deficitPlaying around with the books won’t get Europe’s biggest economy out of its downturnFri Feb 23 2024 - 06:00
Climate change should be prominent on Northern Ireland Executive agendaCompared to the Republic, Northern Ireland has actually reduced greenhouse gas emissions by almost a quarter since 1990Fri Feb 16 2024 - 06:00
All-island electricity market would cut costs for Irish consumersOfficials on both sides of the Border have been complicit in failure to deliver the necessary but controversial overground interconnectorFri Feb 09 2024 - 05:00
Public sector pay deal looks like a fair compromiseOn the Government side, the agreement will not break the bankFri Feb 02 2024 - 06:00
Look to France for a peek at the green futureFrench study shows economic costs of change to green fuels would be limited, but there will be costsFri Jan 26 2024 - 06:00
We won’t fix the housing shortage without solving the skills shortageIreland doesn’t have enough workers with the skills to turbocharge badly needed constructionFri Jan 19 2024 - 05:00
Irish households will see a real increase in disposable incomes in 2024The Irish economy is a puzzle that takes some unravelling, but despite blips many of the signs are positiveFri Jan 12 2024 - 05:00
Disastrous UK policies teach a valuable lesson on privatising essential servicesPrivatisation can work in competitive markets, but can it preserve public services?Fri Jan 05 2024 - 06:00
Department of Finance’s split personality relies on personal relationsSplitting the finance function of Government into two departments runs the risk of discordant budgetary policyFri Dec 22 2023 - 05:00
Turning aviation green requires the stick of emission chargesBy 2026, aviation will be paying the same substantial price for its carbon emissions as industry rather than its current free passFri Dec 15 2023 - 05:00
How to make Northern Ireland’s economy workStarting point must be a functioning Executive and a working AssemblyFri Dec 08 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Fiscal implications for a united Ireland are starkTax revenue generated in Northern Ireland goes nowhere near covering the cost of its public servicesFri Dec 01 2023 - 05:45
It’s hard to overstate the European Union’s positive influence on Ireland’s economyJoining the then EEC 50 years ago opened Irish policymakers to a whole new way of thinkingFri Nov 24 2023 - 06:00
Why national income tells us very little about our quality of lifeEurope and the US take very different views on the importance of earnings compared to time off workFri Nov 17 2023 - 06:00
Climate change: Adapting consumer behaviour will be no easy taskJohn FitzGerald: Without good alternatives and appropriate signals, people will not shift their energy use patternsFri Nov 10 2023 - 05:00
Meeting housing needs means redirecting our resources Ireland has devoted too much of our domestic resources to producing what foreigners want rather than what we most need at homeFri Nov 03 2023 - 05:00
We need to prepare for a world of more rain and floodsBuilding major flood defences take years, so investment should begin right awayFri Oct 27 2023 - 06:00
John FitzGerald: Ireland needs strong regulation, but we have too many regulatorsPlanning system needs to take into account national interest and can’t be a Nimby’s charterFri Oct 20 2023 - 06:00
Budgets err slightly on the side of expediency over prudenceWith full employment, we need to divert resources from elsewhere to build the housing the economy needs for further growthFri Oct 13 2023 - 05:00
Global trade means supporting losers, not protecting them at any costSeeking to protect jobs in firms that have failed to adapt to the changing world will have a significant cost for consumers and slow the green transitionFri Oct 06 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Raising the price of dirty fuels drives investment in greener technologiesCarbon taxes have a critical role to play in avoiding catastrophic climate change but the important thing is how we use that revenueFri Sept 29 2023 - 05:00
US multinationals do not just distort our GDPJohn FitzGerald: Problems arise because the US allows companies to move ownership of intellectual property to a foreign countryFri Sept 22 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: There are win-wins for farmers in the climate change battleIrish agriculture can help slow global warming while giving farmers a good incomeFri Sept 15 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Young men take risks, but a lot less so than previouslyFatalities on our roads, despite a recent rise, have declined substantially for this cohortFri Sept 08 2023 - 05:00
The Irish planning system: Where a remote possibility of damage to wildlife trumps all other environmental considerationsEfforts to address critical policy concerns like the housing crisis and climate change are being frustrated by the processFri Sept 01 2023 - 05:00
Workers will have to be paid more to sustain public services John FitzGerald: Since 2010 wage rates have risen more slowly in the public sector than in the private sectorFri Aug 25 2023 - 06:00
John FitzGerald: The draft rail strategy is fun but most of it is fantasy When it comes to big infrastructural initiatives there needs to be a decent margin of benefit over cost to make a project worthwhileFri Aug 18 2023 - 05:00
Government needs to start preparing now for climate change impactExtreme weather events will likely become more frequent and Ireland has to be ready to handle themFri Jul 28 2023 - 05:00
We should save for the nation’s old age rather than splurge nowJohn FitzGerald: Our corporation tax bonanza is a bit like an oil find, bringing massive but temporary revenuesFri Jul 21 2023 - 06:00
Ireland cannot compete in a state-aid free-for-all If the EU wants to subsidise key industries, any such subsidy should come from the bloc, not national governmentsFri Jul 14 2023 - 05:00
IDA Ireland should slow down its stream of new projects Republic short of workers, which means hitting pause button on lower-priority projects in public or private sectorsFri Jul 07 2023 - 05:00
Unwise for Dublin to fill Northern Ireland funding gaps Move would relax the pressure on politicians in Northern Ireland to put their budgetary house in order and let London off the hookFri Jun 30 2023 - 05:00
We need to keep a lid on the economyJohn FitzGerald: There’s a real risk that giveaway budgets will do significant damage to the economyFri Jun 23 2023 - 05:30
John FitzGerald: How the census can help us to fight climate changeThe census shows the changing face of Ireland, and offers critical data for reducing our carbon emissionsFri Jun 16 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Ireland is finally taking global warming seriously but there’s too much talk, not enough actionRegulatory obstacles may stymie State ambition on carbon budgetsFri Jun 09 2023 - 05:00
Economics never claimed the markets are always right. That is a dismal mythGovernment intervention was always seen as essential, and few economists see the pursuit of growth as the only goalFri Jun 02 2023 - 05:00
Price controls didn’t work in the Soviet Union and won’t work hereBest solution to consumers’ pain is for the Government to act to protect those on low incomesFri May 26 2023 - 06:00
John FitzGerald: How to contain a bank run in the high-speed age of social mediaModern bank runs can escalate within minutes rather than weeks due to online social networks posing new challenges for central banksFri May 19 2023 - 05:00
Absence of executive exacerbates North’s budgetary problemsNorthern Secretary has blamed the £300m unplanned overspend last year on the absence of a government in StormontFri May 12 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Success of pandemic measures shows merit of discretion in EU fiscal rulesObsessive focus on avoiding indebtedness forces countries to slam on the breaks in hard times, making the damage far worse than necessaryFri May 05 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Raising the cost of flying may be the necessary thing to doLack of agreed international regulation, or taxes, means flying is likely to be the last battleground on fossil fuel useFri Apr 28 2023 - 05:00
Splurging the corporation tax windfall in exchange for votes would threaten the nation’s futureBy delaying the gratification from spending the bonanza today, the State will get much better value for moneyFri Apr 21 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: State needs to stop cost of living supports for better off families A savings glut and low interest rates risk overheating the Irish economy and pushing house prices higherFri Apr 14 2023 - 05:00
Farming must focus on reducing emission of nitrogen Failure to address regulatory obstacles to climate-friendly forestry planting traps farmers in unviable and damaging beef cattle farmingFri Apr 07 2023 - 05:00
Membership of the EU has transformed IrelandJohn FitzGerald: State had been ne of northern Europe’s poorer countries, it is now one of the richestFri Mar 31 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: Silicon Valley Bank had no excuse for being ‘all in’ on giltsEuropean banking system appears to be better regulated and prepared for downsides but there could still be hidden problems waiting to emergeFri Mar 24 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: EU electricity market needs reform to end reliance on windfall profitsCurrent mix of support mechanisms for producers is unnecessarily costly for consumers and uncertain for renewables investorsFri Mar 17 2023 - 05:00
John FitzGerald: State needs to invest smarter to meet the cost of claimsThe €140m paid to lawyers by the State Claims Agency in 2021 represented approximately 15% of the profession’s income that yearFri Mar 10 2023 - 05:00
Rent control reduces supply and makes life even harder for new tenantsJohn FitzGerald: Increasing the supply of rented accommodation, including social housing, is the better way to goFri Mar 03 2023 - 05:00