Jennifer O’Connell: Waterford hospital shows the annual trolley crisis is not inevitableThe hospital’s record suggests good management could be the answer to the annual trolley crisisSat Jan 28 2023 - 00:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Response to Jacinda Ardern’s resignation was depressing and predictablePoliticians are human. Women politicians are human. There was a time when the public didn’t require regular reminders of thatSat Jan 21 2023 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: How did Andrew Tate become a role model for a generation of lost boys?Tate is the product of an online culture, the ‘manosphere’, that is grooming boys to not just to fear and hate women, but to loathe themselvesSat Jan 14 2023 - 00:00
Spare: Harry tells us about his penis, sibling rivalry and panic attacks. Just not about why he wrote this bookAfter more than 400 pages of his memoir, is it any clearer to anybody why the prince felt he had to do this, or what he ultimately hopes to get from it?Fri Jan 13 2023 - 12:31
Prince Harry’s memoir: It’s fabulously bitchy, deliciously gossipy – and one long act of retributionSpares spares no one. What save it from being an entitled whingefest are moments of genuine poignancy and insights into an irretrievably weird familyTue Jan 10 2023 - 16:53
‘She slapped me so hard in the face she knocked me out’: Corporal punishment in Irish schoolsReaders share their experiences of emotional abuse and corporal punishment in Irish schoolsSat Jan 07 2023 - 05:00
2022 felt like a particularly dark and dangerous period to be a womanTo many of us, this year felt like a particularly dark and dangerous time to be a womanSat Dec 31 2022 - 05:00
The man shouting ‘f**king woke shite’ outside the vaccination clinic summed up 2022The war on woke isn’t about language, vaccines, live cribs, sex education in schools or why the latest series of Game of Thrones has less sex in it. It's about middle-aged male insecuritySat Dec 24 2022 - 00:00
Bono, Elon Musk and sad, beige parenting: 2022’s top 10 conversation killersGo in peace, or go in seething passive aggression. Unlike some of your nearest and dearest, we’re not here to judgeFri Dec 23 2022 - 06:00
Abuse in girls’ schools: ‘She beat the crap out of me for being cheeky. I was eight’‘We have not sought the testimony of now-adult women who had these experiences as girls. If we did, we’d have a tsunami’Sat Dec 17 2022 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Jailing Enoch Burke serves only to make him a martyr in the culture warsIt makes no sense for the teacher to be held in jail indefinitely when it is clear that he has no intention of purging his contemptSat Dec 17 2022 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Helping Harry to see how ‘weird’ the monarchy is may be Meghan’s greatest achievementFor a documentary series that is sugary enough in spots to rot the teeth out of your head, it is also surprisingly revealingSat Dec 10 2022 - 05:00
Icy cold? Don’t just whack up the thermostat. Try these 18 heat-saving hacks insteadFrom tackling draughts to going back to basics with a hot water bottle, here are some tips that may help keep the bills downThu Dec 08 2022 - 05:00
Share your story: We would like to hear about readers’ experiences in girls’ schoolsIf you have a story you’d like to share, please use the form to get in touchTue Dec 06 2022 - 17:01
Jennifer O’Connell: Fine Gael’s elitist and dangerous dabbling in populist tropesEfforts to speak for ‘ordinary, plain people of Ireland’ ring hollow amid homelessness and protesters blocking Port TunnelSat Dec 03 2022 - 00:01
Harry & Meghan’s Netflix teaser: A minute long and it still fits in a pop at KateThe trailer’s arrival is so impeccably timed it’s hard to believe it’s not the ultimate mic dropFri Dec 02 2022 - 13:08
‘She made every minute matter’: Vicky Phelan memorial remembers person behind ‘nation’s treasure’Campaigner was a fearless warrior who got the most out of every minute, community gathered at memorial service in Mooncoin hearsSun Nov 27 2022 - 19:41
Vicky Phelan: ‘A nation got to love a girl as much as our family loved her’Village of Mooncoin shares pride and grief at public memorial for CervicalCheck campaignerSun Nov 27 2022 - 16:14
Blackrock abuse stories could be Ireland’s Harvey Weinstein momentWe need criminal prosecutions and then a deep, wide, victim-led abuse inquiry that can obliterate our culture of denialSat Nov 26 2022 - 05:35
Air fryers: Worth the hype, or a load of hot air? The air fryer is the gadget du jour, but are they really the answer to all your cooking problems? Our writers give their verdictSat Nov 19 2022 - 05:00
Facing hell and high water: The parts of Ireland threatened by rising floodwatersAs the sea inches higher, and the climate changes, stories playing out in Cork and Dublin will be repeated in other parts of the countrySat Nov 19 2022 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: It’s a fantasy that nobody knew about child sex abuse in schoolsRevelations have been emerging for decades, yet we continue to assure ourselves that each new horror comes as a surpriseSat Nov 19 2022 - 05:00
Zuckerberg and Musk are mavericks until it is time to let people goThey revert under pressure to regressive business models. Metaverse is for everyone, but some of you probably aren’t smart enough to be hereSat Nov 12 2022 - 05:00
Losing my job in the Irish tech industry: ‘I received the dreaded email ...’The hiring boom across much of the tech industry came to an abrupt halt this week. But the warning signs have been there for a whileSat Nov 12 2022 - 05:00
Do you work in the tech sector in Ireland? We would like to hear from youIf you would like to speak - anonymously or on the record - let us know using the form in this articleWed Nov 09 2022 - 12:42
Jennifer O’Connell: I am scared of yoga. Could a two-day retreat change my mind?I step on the teacher’s foot as she helps me with the downward dog, she’s gracious enough never to speak of it againSun Nov 06 2022 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: We owe Fr Seán Sheehy grudging thanks for his repugnant screedListowel priest’s critique of homosexuality as ‘against nature’ merely a case of saying the quiet bit out loud.Sat Nov 05 2022 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Liz Truss lettuce livecam might be the moment political debate reached a nadirIf you insist on treating politics as entertainment, you are liable to get what you asked forSat Oct 29 2022 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: James Corden’s omelette eruption explanation has a touch of the Will Smiths‘Sticking up for his wife’ isn’t an excuse for the TV host’s bad behaviour. It’s a symptom of an archaic view of masculinityWed Oct 26 2022 - 06:05
Jennifer O’Connell: The GAA has a cultural blindspot about violenceThe Gaelic Athletic Association is ingrained in Irish life and, as a consequence, should set an example for allSat Oct 22 2022 - 05:00
Aftermath of the Covid puppy boom: ‘A tsunami of unwanted dogs’Dog ownership went through the roof during the pandemic, but now shelters around Ireland are heaving with the falloutFri Oct 21 2022 - 08:42
I needed to save money. The answer was a €10 smartplugIt measures how much electricity individual appliances use. As a control freak, this is deeply appealingMon Oct 17 2022 - 05:00
Bressie: ‘I was quite an aggressive person, because I was repressing so much’The singer, podcaster and children’s book author has found a new contentment. But getting there hasn’t been easySat Oct 15 2022 - 05:30
Jennifer O’Connell: Voters do not care if Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald is poshA line can be crossed where public interest becomes invasive; Shane Ross has galloped through itSat Oct 15 2022 - 05:00
‘Everybody is vaping because everybody else is vaping’It has become a teenage obsession and at the same time, the number of teens smoking cigarettes is rising for the first time in decadesSat Oct 15 2022 - 05:00
Online reaction to Angelina Jolie’s allegations about Brad Pitt is all too familiarThe reaction online to Angelina Jolie’s allegations about ex-husband Brad Pitt is all too familiarSat Oct 08 2022 - 05:00
The Bella Hadid spray-on dress: Is this fashion or is she just skinny?Jennifer O’Connell: The Coperni dress felt futuristic. Fashion’s stubborn obsession with extreme thinness did notTue Oct 04 2022 - 14:28
Jennifer O’Connell: Tech workers whinging about free snacks is hard to takeElsewhere nurses, teachers and childcare workers are not quietly quitting, but desperately quitting their jobsSat Oct 01 2022 - 05:00
Deborah Somorin: Homeless at 13. A mother at 15. An accountant at 24Deborah Somorin turned her life around thanks to finding someone who believed in herSat Oct 01 2022 - 05:00
Irish in London in 2022: A vibrant new generation amid an ageing population New arrivals from Ireland are educated, hard-working and often female high-earnersFri Sept 30 2022 - 06:00
Jennifer O’Connell: British media’s obsession with Meghan Markle isn’t personal, it’s existentialThey’re horrified by what she represents – multiculturalism, youth, feminism, the monarchy’s diminished standing and Britain’s waning influenceSat Sept 24 2022 - 05:00
‘They’re putting Lizzie down today’: Cork’s English market pauses to remember queenSome locals held a minute’s silence while others were firmly immune to the pageantry of the dayMon Sept 19 2022 - 21:33
It would be foolish to think cult of the strongman is over. They have a habit of coming from nowhereThe future doesn’t look bright for Putin, Trump or Bolsonaro. But the wild popularity of online figures such as Andrew Tate shows strongmen haven’t lost their allureSat Sept 17 2022 - 05:10
Jennifer O’Connell: Jailed teacher Enoch Burke might have done us all a favourHe showed how those who oppose trans rights love to claim victimhood even as they are punching downSat Sept 10 2022 - 05:10
Judge Gillian Hussey: ‘I had nothing in common with my colleagues other than a job title’Even after 17 years on the criminal bench, the retired judge remains optimistic about human natureSat Sept 10 2022 - 05:00
‘Lisa, Christy and Chelsea, forever young’: Funeral hears of deep love between three siblings killed in TallaghtSurviving brother, Michael, praised for his bravery in raising the alarm as events unfoldedFri Sept 09 2022 - 13:43
Your stories of childcare costs in Ireland: ‘I am living below the poverty line to keep working’ We asked readers about their experience with the cost of childcare. Here’s what they saidSun Sept 04 2022 - 05:00
Tents and modular homes are going up - and so are the nimby hacklesWe are at a tipping point in our response to refugees and politicians need to be careful about the language they useSat Sept 03 2022 - 05:30
Ireland’s childcare cost crisis: ‘My friends in Finland pay €150 per month for creche. My husband and I pay €1,100′Despite political promises that fees will come down, parents see no evidence of it. It’s making many couples think twice about having a second childSat Sept 03 2022 - 05:00
Robert Troy’s biggest mistake was failing to see that owning one property is a privilege — never mind 11Not many can relate to Robert Troy’s struggle, but he’s right about one thing. Small landlords are not the enemySat Aug 27 2022 - 05:00