Point, click, swoosh, ping: why multitasking is making us all mindlessResearchers gave students 15 minutes to read some coursework. On average, they lasted two minutes before checking Facebook. I know how they feelWed May 08 2013 - 07:00
Facebook and us? It’s complicatedUsers seem to be falling out of love with the social networking service, perhaps because it leaves many people feeling as if the party’s always happening somewhere elseSat May 04 2013 - 06:00
Yes, Amanda Knox was guilty. Guilty of being naive and guilty of liking sexOur obsession with ‘Foxy Knoxy’ says more about us than it does about herWed May 01 2013 - 07:00
You know those tear-jerking Dove ads? They don’t wash with meAn online advertising campaign wants to show that women are too self-critical – but why is beauty seen as so important?Sat Apr 27 2013 - 06:00
Forcing suicidal pregnant women to prove they are serious is cruel and dangerousThe last thing you do when faced with someone who is suicidal is make them prove they’re seriousWed Apr 24 2013 - 07:00
Watching the Boston bombings on Facebook and Twitter plays tricks on usNon-stop news and social-media coverage plays into the hands of those behind such attacksWed Apr 17 2013 - 07:00
I became one of those parents I used to read about and sniggerGetting a school place was a cinch. We just unrolled our sleeping bags and queued outside at dawnWed Apr 10 2013 - 06:00
Women’s jobs are not luxuries to be ditched along with the second holidayForty years on, Government ideology still sees men as breadwinnersWed Apr 03 2013 - 06:00
Threesomes advice is no worse than what’s in most young women’s magazinesA recent Spun Out “threesomes” controversy is a distraction from issues such as sexual aggression and pornWed Mar 27 2013 - 06:00
I quit a dream job to be at home, but I’m no surrendered wifeToo much of what passes for feminist commentary involves slagging off each other’s choicesWed Mar 20 2013 - 06:00
Don’t tell me sugar isn’t addictive. I’ve been quitting it all my adult lifeThe latest image problem for the soft drinks industry may be the most damaging yetWed Mar 13 2013 - 06:00
If you want me to work in an office, I demand to commute in a flying carIt was a conversation like thousands of others we must have had during the decade or so that my father drove me to school every…Wed Mar 06 2013 - 00:00
Our casual racism against Travellers is one of Ireland's last great shames“Trouble.” “Dirty.” “Disgusting.” “A thorn in the side of society.”Wed Feb 27 2013 - 00:00
The ghoulish spin in the Steenkamp caseRupert Murdoch knows how his newspapers’ readers like their girls (I use the word advisedly: in the world of tabloid publishing…Wed Feb 20 2013 - 00:00
Our confused relationship with foxes: cull them, feed them, hunt them, kill themUntil about eight weeks ago, I was quite clear where I stood on the fox issue.Wed Feb 13 2013 - 00:00
You wouldn't hit a partner for their own good, so why would you hit a child?Earlier this week, I conducted a grim little experimentWed Feb 06 2013 - 00:00
I told the interviewer I wasn't planning on having more children. I got the jobSheryl Sandberg strikes me as a sensible, smart, ambitious womanWed Jan 30 2013 - 00:00
Why did the chicken cross the continent? So it could go cheap, cheap, cheapWaiter, waiter – there’s a pun in my burger. And I’m failing to see the funny side.Wed Jan 23 2013 - 00:00
I'm no Rihanna fan, but it's time to stop agonising about oversexualised girlsI am on the brink of a terrible crisis, one that could arrive any time in the next four to six years, and is likely to last at…Wed Jan 16 2013 - 00:00
Politicians: try using social media before you start legislating for itWhen I was a child, I had a collection of trollsWed Jan 09 2013 - 00:00
There's something about Molly and Martha - but nothing about MaryThere’s something about MaryWed Jan 02 2013 - 00:00
We didn't need this ritual humiliation to learn that DJs can be devastated, tooThere was something unsettling about the reaction to the television appearance earlier this week of Michael Christian and Mel…Wed Dec 12 2012 - 00:00
Begrudgery hasn't worked. It's time to break our addiction to 'failure porn'Look away now, those of you revelling in our collective misery – it’s not all bad news for Ireland IncWed Nov 28 2012 - 00:00
Calling all Twitter users: if you believe in the internet, regulate yourselvesThere is a moment in Monty Python’s Life Of Brian when Brian wakes up in bed with his new girlfriend, and opens the shutters…Wed Nov 21 2012 - 00:00
Why should boys get to take it to the max while girls are left with pink play sets?Parents: if you want to curtail your daughter’s ambitions, limit her imagination, and stymie the development of her analytical…Wed Nov 14 2012 - 00:00
We need to talk about suicide, but it's not a social-media conversationWhat could have driven Erin Gallagher to take her own life? Asking this question in the aftermath of a suicide is almost always…Wed Nov 07 2012 - 00:00
I don't want James Reilly telling me what to eat, but we need a fat taxTHERE ARE many good reasons to oppose the introduction of a fat taxWed Oct 17 2012 - 01:00
Blaming the victims of sex crimes lets the perpetrators off the hook‘DEAR VICTIM,” the letter began. “To be honest I’m not bothered or sorry about the fact I burgled your houseWed Oct 10 2012 - 01:00
Kitchen confidential: my 54 closed cook books and six-dish repertoire‘ALL I have to do now is consider my meatzza,” Nigella Lawson said in last week’s episode of her new cookery series, Nigellissima…Wed Oct 03 2012 - 01:00
Adults, if you want teenagers to be civil online, first fix your own behaviourONE DAY last month, 15-year-old Ciara Pugsley logged on to the Ask.fm site.Wed Sept 26 2012 - 01:00
Fascination with Kate's breasts and Karen's clothes makes idiots of us allTHE PHOTOS, in case you haven’t seen them, show Kate standing beside a dinghy in a rolled-up wet T-shirt and a pair of bikini…Wed Sept 19 2012 - 01:00
I have had panic attacks: does this mean I had a 'mental health issue'?THERE HAVE always been two Mary RobinsonsWed Sept 12 2012 - 01:00
As good as gold, but not for RTÉWHERE WERE you the night Ireland racked up three gold medals in three hours in an international sporting event, sliding ahead…Wed Sept 05 2012 - 01:00
Fifty Shades of domestic violence, and yet some call it romanceHERE’S AN alarming thoughtWed Sept 05 2012 - 01:00
Write on, sistersThis week, I came across the product that may change the course of the rest of my life, an innovation so revolutionary it makes…Wed Sept 05 2012 - 01:00