Truth about why Jason Corbett died is obscured in a maelstrom of high emotionThree competing narratives emerged to explain the events leading up to his death, but only one will stickSat Nov 11 2023 - 06:00
It’s no wonder the average age of new mothers in Ireland is at an all-time highThe days are long, the years are short and the torrents of unwanted advice are interminableSun Nov 05 2023 - 06:30
The best little country in the world in which to swim in your own sh*tIrish waters are awash with our own excrement. Historic underinvestment is blamed, so why are some upgraded plants still pumping out raw sewage?Sat Oct 28 2023 - 06:00
Ammi Burke was given a clear message this week that the courts are not her soapboxBurke is deeply concerned about what she likes to call “the proper administration of justice” – within limits. That limit generally being when it goes her waySat Oct 21 2023 - 06:57
You don’t need a Nobel prize to know that work has got greedy. Time we all pushed backThe difference between what men and women earn is about phenomenon of 'greedy work'Sun Oct 15 2023 - 06:30
We are sacrificing Ireland’s countryside to business and agricultural interestsNeglected Lough Neagh is just one of example of how we mistreat the natural worldSat Oct 07 2023 - 06:00
Dáil blockade should serve as a warning to Irish politicians who flirt with populist language and tropesThis was not a highly secretive guerrilla mission - it had been flagged endlessly on every far-right social media account for the past two weeksSat Sept 23 2023 - 07:00
The Birkenstock index is soaring, a measure of the anxious times we live inA shoe brand that pins itself to ‘realness’ is on to a winner with those assailed by uncertaintySun Sept 17 2023 - 06:30
There’s Elon Musk, the second most dangerous thing known to humanityThere are examples of individuals of enormous wealth becoming embroiled in global geopolitics. But never on this scaleSat Sept 09 2023 - 06:45
Jennifer O'Connell: If Normal People’s Connell got his place in Trinity now, he’d be looking at €287 a weekIf Normal People’s Connell got his place in Trinity now, he’d be looking at €287 a week for a gold en-suite studio in a purpose built student accommodation blockSun Sept 03 2023 - 06:45
Jennifer O’Connell: Lucy Letby’s ‘beigeness’ has created a vacuum for lurid speculationThe need of online sleuths to eviscerate Letby is a distraction from more important issuesSat Aug 26 2023 - 06:45
The relentless rain isn’t a blip. Ireland’s climate is now a year-long autumnFor a country so obsessed with the weather, we remain stubbornly disinterested in climateSat Aug 05 2023 - 06:30
Jennifer O’Connell: Is rape culture real? Ask Ciara ManganAfter she was raped, she found herself 'brainwashed' into the idea that, really, it was all a bit of a jokeSat Jul 22 2023 - 06:15
Ryan Tubridy may come to regret hitching his wagon to Noel Kelly’sTubridy started out as Logan Roy but lapsed into Cousin Greg whenever the subject of money came upSat Jul 15 2023 - 07:01
Jennifer O’Connell: RTÉ's influencers are at the murky nexus of commercial and public interestsDoes it really matter if Doireann Garrihy eats her #sponsored porridge in an RTÉ studio or Marty Morrissey has a borrowed car? The short answer is yesSat Jul 08 2023 - 07:45
Jennifer O’Connell: Crazy hotel prices are not just the result of Taylor Swift economicsDublin needs more hotel rooms, but what it might need even more desperately is some kind of long-term visionSat Jul 01 2023 - 07:15
Jennifer O’Connell: Submersible gripped world’s attention but sunken migrant boat made us look away As the days rolled by, the chasm in the response to the two events was increasingly uncomfortableFri Jun 23 2023 - 17:46
What is to be done about the great men with unsavoury views whose names festoon our streets? The Westin Hotel has decided not to adopt a new name that could be linked to a slave owner. But where does it end?Sun Jun 11 2023 - 05:15
Jennifer O’Connell: Is the rise of the 6.30am commute a sign that Ireland is finally rebalancing?Jennifer O’Connell: By 2022, the ranks of the dawn commuter had swelled to close to 205,000. But there’s more to those numbers than tales of commuting hellSat Jun 03 2023 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Random violence has become a social media spectator sportThe family of the teenager in Navan suggested he may have been targeted because of who he is. It is not unreasonable to conclude those shocked eyeballs are a motivating factor too, thoughSun May 21 2023 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Irish public transport is a lesson in how to make easy things hardIt’s not that services are unrelentingly awful, but with not much effort they could be so much betterSat May 13 2023 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: HRT’s story is one of global neglect and misinformationJennifer O’Connell: Menopause misinformation continues to have a long-term impact on women’s healthSun May 07 2023 - 05:00
With every choreographed moment, Sinn Féin look more like a party of the centreJennifer O’Connell: Contrast in the approach of these two parties to image management could not be sharperSat Apr 29 2023 - 06:00
What makes a US politician ‘Irish’? It doesn’t have much to do with their genesWhat makes a US politician ‘Irish’? It’s a little to do with genealogy and a lot to do with their politicsSat Apr 22 2023 - 10:00
Burke family have keen understanding of legal system. So why are they waging a futile war against it?Jennifer O'Connell: Despite the theatrics, the Burkes’ adventures in court show us that the legal system is working as it shouldSun Apr 16 2023 - 05:00
Six months ago, he started taking cocaine in a more dedicated way. Things spiralled rapidlyIreland has slid into the ignominious position of fourth biggest cocaine consumer globallySat Apr 08 2023 - 05:00
Enoch Burke and JK Rowling have the same approach to victimhoodThe bestselling children’s author sees herself as a victim. But she gets to put her phone down and walk awaySat Apr 01 2023 - 07:30
Ukrainians and their Irish hosts one year on: There are stark reminders. This is not a cultural exchangeSome Ukrainians have been staying with their Irish hosts for a year. For many it has been a rewarding experience, but figuring out what comes next can be toughSat Apr 01 2023 - 05:00
Husband of murdered woman ‘relieved’ as killer refused parole 27 years laterJoyce Quinn (44) was murdered in Kildare by Kenneth O’Reilly in 1996 after she gave him a lift home on a rainy nightSat Mar 25 2023 - 05:00
Silicon Valley faces a moment of reckoning amid end-of-days feel for tech worldJennifer O’Connell: There is an end-of-days feel to recent news reports from the tech worldSat Mar 25 2023 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Is The Late Late Show really what the Ireland of 2023 wants?Ryan Tubridy has a sense of timing, but Montrose behaves as though the outside world hasn’t changed since Gaybo's heydaySat Mar 18 2023 - 05:00
Brexit refuseniks and their Irish passports: ‘The important thing for me was identity and heritage’Readers tell us about their experiences of getting Irish passports and citizenship since the UK voted to leave the EUFri Mar 17 2023 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: The far right’s attempted courtship of Enoch Burke is an odd romanceThere’s no evidence he or his family have done anything to encourage it, but Burke has become a hero of the far rightSat Mar 11 2023 - 00:00
Waterford moves step closer to becoming a ‘walking city’ with launch of North Quays project‘Transformative’ €170m scheme aims to rebalance city so 30,000 can live immediately north of river with easy access to cityMon Mar 06 2023 - 20:04
Taoiseach backs inclusion of transgender identity in primary school curriculumLeo Varadkar said ‘information and facts’ should be provided but not ‘value judgment’Mon Mar 06 2023 - 15:12
Ban on evictions needs to balance rights of landlords and tenants, Varadkar saysExpectation is that three Coalition leaders will agree on Monday evening to extend ban in some formMon Mar 06 2023 - 13:51
Magdalene laundries survivor recalls a childhood of relentless abuse and neglectKathleen King is still fighting at the age of 80, frustrated that the State redress scheme refuses to accept her account of eventsSat Mar 04 2023 - 05:00
State accused of ‘stonewalling’ and ‘hiding evidence’ over Magdalene laundries Researchers say they were denied Freedom of Information access to archives on various grounds by Department of the TaoiseachSat Mar 04 2023 - 05:00
A Magdalene laundry and its clients: Holles Street, Fitzwilliam Tennis Club, Captain AmericasDonnybrook Magdalene Laundry’s books include Blackrock College, Switzers, embassies and hospitalsSat Mar 04 2023 - 05:00
Some criticism of journalist who leaked Hancock’s messages grounded in expectations women should play nice Astonishing thing is not that Oakeshott betrayed his confidence, it is that she ever had it in the first place. But some of the criticism of her was unfairSat Mar 04 2023 - 05:00
Stefanie Preissner: ‘Motherhood is so hard, and so lonely, and so mysterious’The author and broadcaster opens up about about navigating miscarriage, early motherhood, autism and anorexiaSat Feb 25 2023 - 06:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Single-sex schooling is a peculiarly Irish mash-up of Catholicism and post-colonialismWhy are we convinced we know something the rest of the world does not?Sat Feb 25 2023 - 00:00
Yes, Roald Dahl sometimes got it wrong. But it isn’t up to us to make it rightFor all the concern about cancel culture and wokewashing, critics, writers, publishers and film producers have always been mindful of changing sensitivitiesMon Feb 20 2023 - 16:45
Young voters don’t care about Bertie Ahern. They want to know if they’ll ever own a houseThe time when the white, male, Mass-going, homeowning FF-voter was dominant in Irish society is long pastSat Feb 11 2023 - 05:30
This Won’t Hurt by Marieke Bigg: A quietly furious call to arms over neglect of women’s healthFrom heart attacks to female ejaculation and Goop, femininity in science has been a victim of cultural blindness and patriarchySat Feb 11 2023 - 05:00
Autistic and thriving, William is one of the lucky ones ‘We still punish people for being autistic.’ It remains poorly understood, shrouded in Rain Man stereotypesSat Feb 11 2023 - 05:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Why is the Government perpetuating tropes about single male asylum seekers?The ‘military-age men’ idea is a well-worn trope of right-wing rhetoric, and our politicians have fallen into the dangerous trap of reinforcing itSun Feb 05 2023 - 06:00
Lismore: Inside a small town’s protests and counter-demonstrationsThe west Waterford town has been at the centre of protests over plans to turn its landmark hotel into a centre for asylum seekersSat Feb 04 2023 - 05:00
Medical gaslighting: ‘No man would be asked if they suffer from panic attacks while having a heart attack’Women are more likely to feel their symptoms are not being taken seriously. Why?Sat Jan 28 2023 - 06:00
Jennifer O’Connell: Waterford hospital shows the annual trolley crisis is not inevitableThe hospital’s record suggests good management could be the answer to the annual trolley crisisSat Jan 28 2023 - 00:00