EC queries Ryanair internet tacticsTHE EUROPEAN Commission is investigating whether Ryanair is violating an EU rule by refusing to honour tickets bought from travel…Thu Aug 21 2008 - 01:00
Gardaí arrest man after woman fatally stabbedA WOMAN was fatally stabbed in Roscommon yesterday evening and a man was later arrested by gardaí.Wed Aug 20 2008 - 01:00
Records of officers from first Irish police force on internetRECORDS OF more than 80,000 officers from the first Irish police force are being released online.Mon Aug 18 2008 - 01:00
Three men on drug chargesTHREE MEN appeared in court in Dublin yesterday in connection with the seizure last Wednesday of heroin valued at €1Sat Aug 16 2008 - 01:00
Three in court over Dublin heroin seizureThree men have appeared in court in Dublin charged in connection with the seizure of €1Fri Aug 15 2008 - 01:00
Members happy to play on holy groundTHERE WAS a feeling of déja vu and awe at Stackstown Golf Club yesterdayTue Aug 12 2008 - 01:00
Young Greens stage vigilHUMAN RIGHTS PROTEST: A CANDLELIT vigil was held in Dublin last night for "victims of the Chinese regime".Sat Aug 09 2008 - 01:00
President sends best wishes to OlympiansMESSAGES OF SUPPORT: PRESIDENT MARY McAleese sent "warmest greetings" to Irish athletes as the Beijing Olympic Games opened …Sat Aug 09 2008 - 01:00
Guinness Storehouse now top attractionTOURIST NUMBERS: THE BIRTH of a baby elephant and the enduring appeal of the black stuff contributed to the half-a-million increase…Fri Aug 08 2008 - 01:00
Drug users' support scheme expandedA SERVICE to help drug users in the Liffey boardwalk area of Dublin city centre has been expanded, it was announced yesterday…Thu Aug 07 2008 - 01:00
HSE financial practices wasting €20m - reportTHE FINANCIAL management of the Health Service Executive (HSE) has been criticised by Opposition and Green Party politicians …Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00
All-boys' school must accept girl after appeal upheldAN all-boys' VEC has been forced to offer a place to a girl who wants to attend the school, it was confirmed yesterday.Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00
African poverty warning from merged aid agencyA NEWLY formed Anglo-Irish non-governmental organisation (NGO) has warned that up to 100 million more African people are at risk…Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00
Tibetans in Ireland fear Tibet plight will worsenFEARS THAT the situation in Tibet would worsen after the Beijing Olympics were expressed by members of the Tibetan community …Wed Aug 06 2008 - 01:00
Dublin protesters call end to Tibet crackdownA demonstration was held in Dublin this morning ahead of the opening of the Beijing Olympics on Friday calling on the Chinese…Tue Aug 05 2008 - 01:00
Driving test waiting times have risen since new rulesWAITING TIMES for driving tests have increased in almost three-quarters of testing centres and have doubled in some locations…Mon Aug 04 2008 - 01:00
Avoca defends decision to sack chef over tauntsA FORMER chef at Avoca cafe, who was fired from her job over claims of her objectionable behaviour, which included comments about…Fri Jul 25 2008 - 01:00
Ireland is hugely proud, says PresidentPRESIDENT MARY McAleese and Taoiseach Brian Cowen were among those to congratulate golfer Pádraig Harrington last night on retaining…Mon Jul 21 2008 - 01:00
Currachs and pigs go a-racing while teddy bears picnicA CURRACH race, a pig race, a performance by a Cuban diva and a teddy bears' picnic all form part of the eclectic mix of this…Sat Jul 19 2008 - 01:00
Weather set to get warmerWITH TEMPERATURES set to reach the high teens over the weekend and 20 degrees by Tuesday, is it finally time to dust the rust…Sat Jul 19 2008 - 01:00
Council case against developer adjournedA case taken by Dublin City Council against a developer who illegally demolished a 19th century convent in Terenure almost two…Thu Jul 17 2008 - 01:00
First World War soldiers honouredALMOST 50,000 Irish soldiers who died in the first World War were commemorated at a wreath-laying ceremony in Dublin at the weekend…Mon Jul 14 2008 - 01:00
'Growing neighbourliness' bodes wellPRESIDENT'S PARTY PEOPLE NORTH and South "have begun to lose their awful, deep-seated mistrust to a growing neighbourliness …Mon Jul 14 2008 - 01:00
Irish people are spending more on holidays, says CSOIRISH PEOPLE are taking more frequent, longer and more expensive holidays, while the number of overseas visitors to Ireland and…Sat Jul 12 2008 - 01:00
Concern at pension link to ZimbabweCONCERN OVER investments by the State's pension fund body in firms operating in Zimbabwe are to be raised with these firms, the…Fri Jul 11 2008 - 01:00
INTO seeks more money for school computersINSPECTION REPORTS published yesterday relating to computers in schools highlights the need for more investment in information…Fri Jul 11 2008 - 01:00
Collins solicitor appeals for privacy for sonsREACTION: SHARON COLLINS was comforted by her two young sons after she heard the jury's guilty verdict at the Central Criminal…Thu Jul 10 2008 - 01:00
Lives hit by cut in serviceDespite the Government's move last week to release a promised €50 million into disability funding, the sector must still cope…Tue Jul 08 2008 - 01:00
Abbey to get €30.2m in funds over three yearsTHE ABBEY Theatre is to receive €30.2 million in funding over the next three years, it was announced yesterday.Tue Jul 08 2008 - 01:00
Education board's failure on procedures 'regretted'PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE: THE FAILURE of procedures which led to the loss of €700,000 by the State body responsible for school…Fri Jul 04 2008 - 01:00
Only 25% of firms take on disabled graduatesJUST ONE-in-four businesses employs a graduate with a disability, a new survey has foundWed Jul 02 2008 - 01:00
€75m funds cut will threaten disability servicesTHE ANTICIPATED loss of €75 million in funding will seriously threaten disability services across the board, the Disability Federation…Wed Jul 02 2008 - 01:00
Drive to promote legaciesA NATIONAL campaign urging older people to donate to charity in their will was launched yesterdayTue Jul 01 2008 - 01:00
Holidaymakers warned on risks of over-drinkingHOLIDAYMAKERS HAVE been warned that drinking too much alcohol in foreign climes can lead to accidents and imprisonment.Fri Jun 27 2008 - 01:00
Red Cross designatesHIV/Aids 'a disaster'HIV IS a "long and complex disaster" and needs to be given a much higher priority in the context of humanitarian disasters, the…Thu Jun 26 2008 - 01:00
Business and sporting leaders pay respects to Tim MahonyBUSINESSMAN DR Tim Mahony will be remembered for his good humour, loyalty, energy, kindness and common sense, mourners, including…Wed Jun 25 2008 - 01:00
Apartment block developers agree new code of practiceA NEW code of practice for developers building apartment blocks will come into force from September.Tue Jun 24 2008 - 01:00
Dubliner named best coffee maker in worldA 25-YEAR-OLD Dubliner has credited his smile and Irish milk for helping him become the world’s best coffee maker.Tue Jun 24 2008 - 01:00
Mediation on pharmacies' discount failsA HIGH court judge has been told that mediation talks have failed between the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Irish Pharmacy…Sat Jun 21 2008 - 01:00
Song for teenagers killed in crash releasedA SONG written by a Limerick teenager after the death of his two 15-year-old cousins in a road crash nearly two years ago is …Fri Jun 20 2008 - 01:00
Progress of development plan 'lagging'THE MILLENNIUM Development Goals (MDGs) will not be reached by 2015 unless solutions can be found to the food crisis and the …Thu Jun 19 2008 - 01:00
Funding cuts threaten services for intellectually disabledTHE LARGEST provider of services for people with intellectual disabilities has warned it may have to withdraw services because…Thu Jun 19 2008 - 01:00
Union warns of threat to off-site weddings in JulyTHERE MAY be dozens of disappointed brides this summer, as off-site weddings planned for next month are in danger due to staff…Wed Jun 18 2008 - 01:00
Hip-hop monks spread the word at Red Cow InnTHE MONKS of Moyross brought “Jesus rap” from the Bronx to about 100 young people at Dublin’s Red Cow Inn last night in a “Catholic…Wed Jun 18 2008 - 01:00
Councillor aims to heal riftRESOLUTION OF a split between councillors in the two parts of the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown area of Dublin is one of the hopes of…Thu Jun 12 2008 - 01:00
Visitor numbers are steady - tourist chiefVISITOR NUMBERS are expected to hold up this year, despite the economic downturn, the chairman of Tourism Ireland, Hugh Friel…Wed Jun 11 2008 - 01:00
Bill Cullen promises to be sweeter than Sugar on Irish version of 'Apprentice'ENTREPRENEUR BILL Cullen, who is to host the Irish version of hit TV series The Apprentice , has promised to be less grumpy than…Wed Jun 11 2008 - 01:00
Developer to be asked to pull out of PPP projectsDUBLIN CITY Council is to ask developer Bernard McNamara to withdraw from two public private housing regeneration projectsTue Jun 10 2008 - 01:00
RTÉ summer schedule jewel is Olympic coverageEXTENSIVE COVERAGE of the Olympics, an insight into the workings of customs and celebrity chefs in competition are among the …Fri Jun 06 2008 - 01:00
Stabbing victim's family says no sentence would be long enoughTHE FAMILY of a young man killed during an argument with a friend in Irishtown, Dublin last year said yesterday that “no sentence…Thu Jun 05 2008 - 01:00