Ireland's climate no barrier to solar powerTHE Irish climate is well suited to the harnessing of solar energy for domestic use, but there is a huge "information gap" to…Fri Aug 30 1996 - 01:00
No welcome for Irish film makers as £1.75m Bord Failte deal goes to UKIRISH film companies have accused Bord Failte of snubbing them in the award of a £1Fri Aug 30 1996 - 01:00
Rocket launch an Irish firstSHEEP grazed nervously in the Wicklow mountains yesterday, as Ireland's first high powered rocket roared into the sky above Kippure…Thu Aug 29 1996 - 01:00
National Lottery may face Rehab challengeAN insurance scheme to challenge the monopoly of the National Lottery is "the best part of a year away" even if it meets no legal…Wed Aug 28 1996 - 01:00
ICMSA proposes £200m loan scheme to tackle beef crisisA SLAUGHTER premium to reduce the national cow herd and a £200 million loan scheme to encourage farmers to buy and hold store…Tue Aug 27 1996 - 01:00
Cabinet urged to oppose nuclear accordGREENPEACE has called on the Government to say whether it will support or oppose the opening of bilateral negotiations on a nuclear…Tue Aug 27 1996 - 01:00
Hurricaine brought worst weather in living memoryAT LEAST six people died, more than a thousand had to be evacuated from their homes and roads in Dublin 4 resembled rivers in…Mon Aug 26 1996 - 01:00
Drumcree reaction leads to boycott of Protestant firmsNATIONALISTS say it is a spontaneous and sporadic protest against the excesses of the Orange marching seasonSat Aug 24 1996 - 01:00
Crumlin "faces heroin problem"CRUMLIN is facing a major increase in the availability of heroin as dealers forced out of the inner city take up residence in…Sat Aug 24 1996 - 01:00
Playground made by inmates praisedA PLAYGROUND at a Co Mayo special school which was made by inmates at Wheatfield Prison has been praised in the latest annual…Sat Aug 24 1996 - 01:00
Frank McCann: "consummate actor" and calculating killerWHEN the jury in the McCann murder trial told the judge at 6.20 p.mSat Aug 17 1996 - 01:00
Publican sentenced to life for murder of wife, babyONE of the longest murder trials in the history of the State ended last night when a Central Criminal Court jury convicted a …Fri Aug 16 1996 - 01:00
The sixth sense of the gardai who are always suspiciousAS everyone who's ever watched a Hollywood action movie knows, US policemen enjoy nothing better than writing off patrol cars…Thu Aug 15 1996 - 01:00
View from a bridge snarls Garda taskTHE GARDA'S Crime Task Force is a cross between the detective unit and the regular car patrolWed Aug 14 1996 - 01:00
Average burglar today is drug user"IF WE got rid of larcenies from cars and burglaries," Sgt Pat Clavin tells his unit as he briefs them for the evening shift …Tue Aug 13 1996 - 01:00
Watching and waiting game yields results as patient officers pounceTHE usual Friday night calm of Greystones Garda Station has been rudely disturbedMon Aug 12 1996 - 01:00
No substitute for personal initiative, on or off dutyWHEN DMA East's fleet of 18 to 20 patrol cars take to the streets and roads of the division each day, the occupants have no formal…Sat Aug 10 1996 - 01:00
If it's quiet, the problems are just around the cornerIT IS a relatively quiet evening in Dun Laoghaire Garda Station, headquarters of F District and the hub of DMA East.Fri Aug 09 1996 - 01:00
Third leg of the welcoming medley proves too much for MichelleIT HAD the virtue in yesterday's weather of being indoors, but Olympic athletes were a bit thin on the ground at the homecoming…Wed Aug 07 1996 - 01:00
Olympic heroes emerge form Irish mistTHE organisers of the GPO ceremony had been watching too much of the OlympicsWed Aug 07 1996 - 01:00
Druids, hurlers and harpers compete for holiday crowdsTODAY sees the end of the week long Galway Races, the traditional harbinger of autumnSat Aug 03 1996 - 01:00
DART at the heart of Dublin cultureFOR an idea conceived during the wild abandon of the 1977 election campaign, the DART has turned out pretty wellSat Aug 03 1996 - 01:00
Reception at GPO for Olympic team on TuesdayMULTIPLE gold medallist Michelle Smith and the rest of Ireland's Olympians will fly into Dublin on Tuesday morning and proceed…Sat Aug 03 1996 - 01:00
Howlin wants masts located away from residential areasTELECOMMUNICATIONS masts should be sited near residential areas only as a last resort under new guidelines for planning authorities…Thu Aug 01 1996 - 01:00
Prison turned killer towards peaceLIKE many of his colleagues in the fringe loyalist parties, John White wears a suit wellSat Jul 27 1996 - 01:00
UUP seeks clarification at resumed North forum on status of absent SDLPTHE Northern Ireland Forum resumed yesterday in the absence of the SDLP, with the unionist parties pushing through the establishment…Sat Jul 27 1996 - 01:00
Presbyterians call for compromise over paradeTHE Presbyterian Church has called for "honourable compromise" on paradesThu Jul 25 1996 - 01:00
Loyalists claim an open mind on march along Derry's wallsTHE Apprentice Boys have said they remain open minded on suggestions from Derry's nationalist community about the planned march…Wed Jul 24 1996 - 01:00
SDLP confirms parade talks held with Apprentice BoysTHE SDLP leader, Mr John Hume, has met representatives of the Apprentice Boys in Derry in an effort to avert a potential crisis…Tue Jul 23 1996 - 01:00
Warm weekend may bring a little thunder in its wakeTEMPERATURES soared to the mid 20s almost everywhere in Ireland again yesterday, and the sunshine looks likely to continue through…Sat Jul 20 1996 - 01:00
Rabbis' visit marks improved Israeli linksA DELEGATION from the New York Board of Rabbis met the President yesterday at the start of a week long visit to Ireland.Sat Jul 20 1996 - 01:00
Derry cleans up after the worst rioting seen in the city for yearsDERRY was cleaning up yesterday after three days of the worst rioting seen in the city for yearsTue Jul 16 1996 - 01:00
McShane buried as crowd stands in silenceMR Dermot McShane, the lone fatality of Derry's three nights of violence, was buried in the city cemetery yesterday morning after…Tue Jul 16 1996 - 01:00
Security forces become focus of Derry rioting as attitudes harden across NorthDERRY'S third night of violence reflected the hardening attitudes across the NorthMon Jul 15 1996 - 01:00
Use of plastic bullets criticisedHUMAN rights observers in Derry have accused the RUC and British army of indiscriminate use of plastic bullets during the disturbances…Mon Jul 15 1996 - 01:00
Protesters hailed as rally calls for boycott of RUCREPRESENTATIVES of the Garvaghy Road and Lower Ormeau Road residents' associations received heroes' welcomes last night at a …Mon Jul 15 1996 - 01:00
Teenager critical but stable after Derry's `worst ever' riotsA TEENAGE boy was critically ill in Derry's Altnagelvin hospital last night as the RUC came under heavy criticism for its handling…Sat Jul 13 1996 - 01:00
Derry rioters fight pitched battles with army and policeTHE British army fought pitch battles with rioters on the streets of Derry early today, after serious violence erupted shortly…Fri Jul 12 1996 - 01:00
NUI senate criticises Minister's paper on university legislationTHE NUI senate has expressed disappointment that the Minister for Education's position paper on new university legislation has…Tue Jul 09 1996 - 01:00
Irishman accused on Internet database of being child abuserAN IRISHMAN is among those named in a database of alleged child abusers which has been compiled in the US and published on the…Tue Jul 09 1996 - 01:00
Cross-Border sport and tourism to benefit from £4m in EU grantsCROSS Border sport and tourism projects are among the beneficiaries of a £4 million grant package allocated under the EU Special…Wed Jul 03 1996 - 01:00
Penal trust criticises delays in prison reformsTHE Irish Penal Reform Trust has criticised the lack of progress in implementing prison reforms proposed under a 1994 planSat Jun 29 1996 - 01:00
Searching for the dream candidateWHEN broadcaster Joe Duffy publicly disavowed any interest in becoming a Fianna Fail TD earlier this week, he drew attention …Sat Jun 29 1996 - 01:00
Final journey for fearless journalistTHE tiny airport church of Our Lady Queen of Heaven was far too small to contain the family members, friends and admirers of …Sat Jun 29 1996 - 01:00
Army bomb disposal unit called to check find in farm bunkerTHE Army bomb disposal unit was yesterday called to a farm near the Slieve Bloom mountains to examine items found in a bunker…Sat Jun 22 1996 - 01:00
Clonaslee people say area is not a hotbed of IRA activityONE OF three teenage boys cycling up the mountain road near where the search was taking place was enjoying the village's temporary…Sat Jun 22 1996 - 01:00
Rhythm n blues joins soul at PointAFTER the shenanigans of the past week, it was back to "Van Morrison in a three part harmony romp" last night in Dublin, when…Tue Jun 18 1996 - 01:00
Summer wind blows in from across the seaTHE warmest weekend of the year so far is likely to be followed by a drop in temperatures this week, although the forecast is…Mon Jun 17 1996 - 01:00
Pre-Bloomsday bike rally brings jam to the GreenBLOOMSDAY arrived two days early in Dublin yesterday, causing mild chaos and a 1904 style traffic jam on St Stephen's Green.Sat Jun 15 1996 - 01:00
Birmingham Six confident of backing by GovernmentTHE Birmingham Six are confident that the Government will help press their case for increased compensation from BritainSat Jun 15 1996 - 01:00