Mirror Group Newspapers apologises to former TD Maria Bailey and accepts it made false claimsPublisher apologises in court for distress caused by two 2019 articles relating to a personal injuries action Bailey took against a Dublin hotel over a fall from a swing seatTue Nov 07 2023 - 12:17
Mother takes High Court action over alleged delay in reviewing daughter’s needsWoman says the girl (12) is a flight risk and can be aggressive towards siblingsMon Nov 06 2023 - 16:14
Court refuses to direct boy’s return to mother who ‘set face against’ aiding father’s access Judge said it would not be in the child’s interests to delay decision to transfer him to live with fatherFri Nov 03 2023 - 17:06
High Court grants pause to order for Peter McVerry Trust to complete purchase of €300,000 siteHomelessness charity was last week given seven days to complete contract for lands in KillarneyFri Nov 03 2023 - 15:48
Larry Goodman’s €6m Barryroe rescue plan approved by High CourtMost shareholders to be wiped out in scheme that will mean explorer turns to renewable-energy opportunitiesFri Nov 03 2023 - 14:15
Court directs IBRC to clarify elements of claim against Michael FingletonMr Justice Denis McDonald said the plaintiff must be clear which of its claims are ‘actionable’ and which are ‘neutral’ paragraphsThu Nov 02 2023 - 16:50
Young man settles court case over alleged injuries from crash that killed friendJudge commends late boy’s mother for enduring difficult hearing in ‘dignified silence’Thu Nov 02 2023 - 16:10
Man (20) sues over alleged severe injuries sustained in fatal Co Carlow crashThe 16-year-old driver died when the car carrying five friends hit a wall near Myshall in February 2019Wed Nov 01 2023 - 18:40
‘Impermissible’ broad claim being pursued against former INBS boss Michael Fingleton, court toldFingleton’s lawyers submitted that a Court of Appeal decision said the case against him had significantly narrowedWed Nov 01 2023 - 16:59
‘Urgency’ in resolving challenge to survey licence for €1.5 billion offshore wind farm, says judgeCurrent State policy has decided this project is important to Ireland meeting its climate change commitments, said Mr Justice HumphreysTue Oct 31 2023 - 16:52
Guest house owner seeks injunction over property being used to house Ukrainian refugeesProperty should not have turned into accommodation for as many refugees as possible, owner claimsFri Oct 27 2023 - 16:39
High Court appoints interim examiner to HealthBeacon as it has ‘run out of cash’ Irish company is believed to have lined up a US investor to fund it through the examinership processFri Oct 27 2023 - 09:46
Minister wins appeal over decision to revoke man’s residency permitThe Court of Appeal ruled the High Court erred in fact and in law in deciding to quash the Minister’s revocationThu Oct 26 2023 - 16:37
Bereaved siblings whose stepfather ‘cut off all income’ are awarded damagesMan made ‘calculated decision’ to cease payments to siblings and was ‘callous and cruel’ to them in refusing to erect a headstone for their motherThu Oct 26 2023 - 14:01
An Bord Pleanála agrees to reconsider Coillte’s application for Co Carlow wind farmProposal for seven turbines in the Blackstairs mountains met significant local oppositionWed Oct 25 2023 - 17:05
Council agrees to order quashing decision to defer homeless mother’s social housing applicationMargaret McDonagh claims she has been on the local authority’s housing waiting list for 14 yearsTue Oct 24 2023 - 14:58
‘Prejudice’ behind unmarried man’s exclusion from widower’s pension John O’Meara was with his partner for 20 years before she died in 2021Mon Oct 23 2023 - 18:56
An Bord Pleanála concedes in two challenges concerning 749 homes in Dublin and WaterfordCourt hears developers may seek to defend planning permissions despite concessions by An Bord PleanálaMon Oct 23 2023 - 16:57
High Court upholds orders requiring ex-husband to vacate land so family home can be soldJudge said it was ‘abundantly clear’ the man set his face against complying with Circuit Court ordersFri Oct 20 2023 - 20:02
Supreme Court to examine constitutionality of Minister’s power to issue binding planning directionsEnvironmental activist claims the law enabling the Minister to issue specific planning policy requirements is repugnant to the ConstitutionFri Oct 20 2023 - 15:10
High Court dismisses environmental group’s challenge to agri-food sector strategyFriends of the Irish Environment sought to quash Food Vision 2030 on grounds it was not subjected to adequate environmental impact assessmentsThu Oct 19 2023 - 14:09
Judge condemns ‘egregious’ intimidation of tenants who co-operated with receiverCourt granted temporary orders restraining couple from taking possession of Malahide propertyWed Oct 18 2023 - 17:31
Man with disability seeks provision from late father’s estate left to extended familyHigh Court rejects appeal by man’s sister seeking to overturn Circuit Court’s refusal to join her as a co-plaintiffTue Oct 17 2023 - 17:26
Operator of Point Village Starbucks awarded €116,500 damages for exclusivity clause breachOpening of another coffee chain outlet in next unit had negative impact on Starbucks sales, judge foundTue Oct 17 2023 - 17:12
Commercial Court hears claim Web Summit co-founder and RTÉ board member earned ‘secret’ €328,000 Patrick Cosgrave and Web Summit seek to amend defence to include fresh allegations against co-founder Daire HickeyMon Oct 16 2023 - 17:38
Appeal court refuses to overturn verdict that newborn baby died due to natural causesTommy Spencer was born in University Hospital Waterford on July 14th, 2018, and died four days laterMon Oct 16 2023 - 15:22
Ammi Burke ordered to pay bulk of opposing sides’ legal costs for challenge to WRC rulingCourt ‘can and should mark its disapproval’ at Ms Burke’s conduct during proceedings, judge saysMon Oct 16 2023 - 13:25
Rights of vulnerable teenagers breached by Tusla’s failure to comply with obligations, judge rulesTwo children have suffered ‘grave harm’ as a result of ‘egregious and extreme’ delay in seeking to place them in special care, judge saysSat Oct 14 2023 - 17:10
Resolution reached in dispute over failed €37.6m sale of DCU site Judge congratulated the parties on finding a ‘very sensible outcome’Fri Oct 13 2023 - 17:54
President refers Bill for new judicial appointments system to Supreme CourtSeven-judge court will hear arguments next month, with Chief Justice absent after making statements on issueFri Oct 13 2023 - 16:40
Voluntary admissions during psychological assessment may be admissible in criminal trial, Supreme Court rulesCourt to hold further hearing on whether to direct woman’s retrial on four sexual assault countsFri Oct 13 2023 - 13:30
Marlet subsidiary was ‘committed’ to DCU land purchase, court hearsCourt is being asked to decide whether DCU was able, ready or willing to complete the sale in accordance with the contractThu Oct 12 2023 - 18:32
Developer brings High Court case over plan to levy tax on north Dublin siteLandowner says An Bord Pleanála acted beyond its powers in deciding the sites should be subject to taxThu Oct 12 2023 - 16:51
Marlet group chief executive denies attempt to ‘disengage’ from DCU land purchaseSubsidiary seeks return of €3.7 million deposit and declaration DCU was unable to deliver site titleWed Oct 11 2023 - 19:20
Judge terminates legal costs hearing because of Ammi Burke’s conductJudge will decide the issue based on written submissions from the partiesWed Oct 11 2023 - 15:01
Residents at ‘wits’ end’ over Galway quarry’s allegedly intensifying operations, court hearsLocals say activities at the site have increased as it has allegedly entered a contract for new bypassTue Oct 10 2023 - 18:46
High Court strikes down sectoral employment order over ‘invalid’ pension provisionThe SEO mandated that all affected workers must enter pension scheme whose terms are as favourable as Construction Workers’ Pension SchemeTue Oct 10 2023 - 17:33
Local group takes second legal action over new permission for 208 apartments in southwest DublinSecond permission for apartment scheme on the Kimmage site challenged by residentsTue Oct 10 2023 - 16:11
Ryanair and Aer Lingus join challenge to Fingal County Council notice restricting night-time flightsAirlines submit they are directly affected by council’s enforcement notice to Dublin Airport operatorMon Oct 09 2023 - 17:22
Court orders reassessment of damages to be awarded to woman allegedly injured by ovenJudge says Piab failed to adequately explain assessment of soft tissue injuries allegedly inflicted by falling applianceMon Oct 09 2023 - 15:38
Potential new investor for fit-out firm Mac Interiors, High Court hearsJudge extends protection period to allow examiner to outline new proposal to court on TuesdayMon Oct 09 2023 - 14:34
Novartis settles one of two MS drug patent disputesAction against generics group Mylan continues after terms agreed with rival generics player Accord Healthcare in patent infringement caseFri Oct 06 2023 - 13:12
High Court paves way for Amgen’s €26.4bn takeover of Irish-based Horizon TherapeuticsThursday’s approval of a takeover scheme of arrangement is the last remaining clearance for the acquisitionThu Oct 05 2023 - 15:43
Solicitor ordered off cruise ship over suicide comment awarded €16,000 for contract breachJudge did not believe Caroline Fanning’s conduct was sufficient to warrant a breach of contractWed Oct 04 2023 - 16:20
Seven-judge Supreme Court hears appeal by alleged dissident republican against extradition to UKSeán Walsh (56) is wanted in Northern Ireland to face charges of IRA membership stemming from a 2020 police surveillance operationTue Oct 03 2023 - 18:13
Couple had to pay €310,000 for backing out of Foxrock house purchase after signing, court hearsTerry and Janet Byrne forfeited their €75,000 deposit and were later pursued for the shortfall after the subsequent sale to other buyersTue Oct 03 2023 - 16:52
Alan Harte loses bid to quash conviction and sentence for role in Kevin Lunney attackHarte brought a High Court case challenging the law that permitted his Special Criminal Court convictionMon Oct 02 2023 - 17:23
Courts have key role to play in protecting rights in current era, says Chief JusticeAttorney General tells ceremony to mark start of new legal year growth in number of cases against State partly due to growth in public’s understanding of power of judicial reviewsMon Oct 02 2023 - 14:17
More than 700 consultants sign up to public-only contractIHCA president says rate of take-up 'desperately slow' compared to previous contractSat Sept 30 2023 - 15:28
Hospital consultants call for widening of spinal surgeries review at Temple Street IHCA conference hears review must be ‘systemic’ and ‘cannot be allowed to report to itself’Sat Sept 30 2023 - 11:21