UK owners of Wolseley' s Irish businesses take €20m loanTWO SPECIALISTS at investing in troubled companies are spearheading the takeover of DIY and builders’ suppliers chains Brooks…Tue Jan 12 2010 - 00:00
New Bill to aid exporters in resolving disputes with overseas partnersA NEW arbitration Bill likely to become law next month will aid exporters in resolving disputes with international partners.Mon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
New Bill to aid exporters in resolving disputes with overseas partnersA NEW arbitration Bill likely to become law next month will aid exporters in resolving disputes with international partners.Mon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Banks ditching bonus schemes, report showsEUROPEAN AND US banks are ditching executive bonuses in favour of longer-term incentives and increased basic salaries, a report…Mon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Boost for PunchestownHORSE RACING: RYANAIR BOSS Michael O’Leary’s Gigginstown House Stud will sponsor one of the feature races at next April’s Punchestown…Mon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Boost for PunchestownHORSE RACING: RYANAIR BOSS Michael O’Leary’s Gigginstown House Stud will sponsor one of the feature races at next April’s Punchestown…Mon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Banks ditching bonus schemes, report showsEUROPEAN AND US banks are ditching executive bonuses in favour of longer-term incentives and increased basic salaries, a report…Mon Jan 11 2010 - 00:00
Wolseley group sells Irish operations for €26mA GROUP of unnamed private investors is paying over €26 million for the business that owns building supplies and DIY chains Brooks…Sat Jan 09 2010 - 00:00
Wolseley group sells Irish operations for €26mA GROUP of unnamed private investors is paying over €26 million for the business that owns building supplies and DIY chains Brooks…Sat Jan 09 2010 - 00:00
Irish firms part of €60bn sea energy dealTWO IRISH companies are partners in groups that are set to spend more than €60 billion developing wind farms off the British …Sat Jan 09 2010 - 00:00
Irish firms part of €60bn sea energy dealTWO IRISH companies are partners in groups that are set to spend more than €60 billion developing wind farms off the British …Sat Jan 09 2010 - 00:00
NTR parent Woodford Capital receives €23m dividendWOODFORD CAPITAL, the ultimate owner of the Roche family’s stake in energy group NTR, received a €23 million dividend last year…Fri Jan 08 2010 - 00:00
NTR parent Woodford Capital receives €23m dividendWOODFORD CAPITAL, the ultimate owner of the Roche family’s stake in energy group NTR, received a €23 million dividend last year…Fri Jan 08 2010 - 00:00
CRH spent €168m on acquisitions in six monthsBUILDING MATERIALS giant CRH spent almost €170 million buying up smaller rivals in the second half of last year.Wed Jan 06 2010 - 00:00
3G chain closes Irish stores with loss of 150 jobsMOBILE PHONE and equipment chain 3G has “temporarily” closed its Irish stores, with the loss of about 150 jobs while the business…Wed Jan 06 2010 - 00:00
CRH spent €168m on acquisitions in six monthsBUILDING MATERIALS giant CRH spent almost €170 million buying up smaller rivals in the second half of last year.Wed Jan 06 2010 - 00:00
3G chain closes Irish stores with loss of 150 jobsMOBILE PHONE and equipment chain 3G has “temporarily” closed its Irish stores, with the loss of about 150 jobs while the business…Wed Jan 06 2010 - 00:00
Planned sale of crystal plant ends production revival hopesWATERFORD CRYSTAL’S manufacturing plant is to be sold, ending any hope of reviving production there.Tue Jan 05 2010 - 00:00
Planned sale of crystal plant ends production revival hopesWATERFORD CRYSTAL’S manufacturing plant is to be sold, ending any hope of reviving production there.Tue Jan 05 2010 - 00:00
Business group welcomes 0.5% cut in VAT ratesBUDGET 2010’s half per cent VAT cut will lead to reduced prices in the Republic and boost retailers’ competitiveness, a leading…Sat Jan 02 2010 - 00:00
Business group welcomes 0.5% cut in VAT ratesBUDGET 2010’s half per cent VAT cut will lead to reduced prices in the Republic and boost retailers’ competitiveness, a leading…Sat Jan 02 2010 - 00:00
Enterprise clients' export values fall 10%AROUND 10 per cent was wiped off the value of exports from client companies of Enterprise Ireland this year.Thu Dec 24 2009 - 00:00
Iseq performs strongly as investors favour banksIseq: 3,032.38 (+76.60) Settlement date: December 28thWed Dec 23 2009 - 00:00
HRI announce major reductions in funding and staff pay cutsPRIZE FUNDS for next year’s Irish Derby and Champion Stakes as well as the top national hunt races face dramatic cuts as a result…Wed Dec 23 2009 - 00:00
CRH shares advance on reports it has bought US businessSHARES IN building materials giant CRH were in demand yesterday on the back of unconfirmed reports it has bought a US business…Wed Dec 23 2009 - 00:00
Iseq closes higher on CRH reportThe Irish market comprehensively outperformed its European peers today as banks returned to favour with investors and reports…Tue Dec 22 2009 - 00:00
Firms in examinership can repudiate leases, court rulesA RECENT Supreme Court ruling has cleared up an issue that threatened to derail rescue plans for insolvent companies in examinership…Mon Dec 21 2009 - 00:00
Banks must commit to lending - TreasuryCONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY: THE BANKS that will benefit from the National Asset Management Agency (Nama) rescue plan should make …Sat Dec 19 2009 - 00:00
Profits soared at PR agency in 2008PUBLIC RELATIONS agency Murray Consultants came close to doubling its profits last year, according its latest figures.Sat Dec 19 2009 - 00:00
An Irish racing story worth a gambleBOOK OF THE DAY: In the Blood – Irish racing dynasties By Anne Holland O’Brien Press 192pp €24.99Mon Dec 14 2009 - 00:00
Online casino specialists Cryptologic on verge of multinational sports betting dealIRISH ONLINE casino gaming specialist Cryptologic is on the verge of signing a deal with multi-national internet sports betting…Mon Dec 14 2009 - 00:00
Kingspan buys insulation firm in AustraliaINSULATION AND building materials specialist Kingspan has expanded its position in the Australian market with a new acquisition…Sat Dec 12 2009 - 00:00
Lenihan's extended start-up tax break not signed into lawMINISTER FOR Finance Brian Lenihan extended a tax break for new business in Wednesday’s Budget that is not yet available because…Sat Dec 12 2009 - 00:00
ENOC fails to get support for its bid to buy out Dragon OilEMIRATES NATIONAL Oil Company’s (ENOC) bid to buy out Dragon Oil will not go ahead after its €2Sat Dec 12 2009 - 00:00
Ken Rohan steps down from helm of AirspaceKEN ROHAN, one of the best-known property developers in the country, is stepping down from the helm of his company.Fri Dec 11 2009 - 00:00
CRH fined €25m for price-fixing in PolandIRISH BUILDING materials giant CRH has been fined €25 million by Poland’s competition watchdog following an investigation into…Fri Dec 11 2009 - 00:00
Dept of Enterprise 'allocated €1.2bn'Tánaiste Mary Coughlan said tonight her department had been allocated €1.2 billion to protect and create jobs.Wed Dec 09 2009 - 00:00
Serica believes Irish Sea gas find may be commercialBRITISH exploration group Serica estimates that one of its licences in the Irish Sea could hold commercial quantities of natural…Tue Dec 08 2009 - 00:00
Smyth wants Nama to rent out apartmentsNAMA SHOULD rent the apartments it takes over from the banks instead of selling them, a high-profile property developer argued…Tue Dec 08 2009 - 00:00
Bord na Móna wins €3m in supply contractsSTATE ENERGY and waste company Bord na Móna has won contracts worth €3 million for the supply of its odour and watertreatment…Mon Dec 07 2009 - 00:00
Bord Gáis to pay €700m to develop wind farmsSTATE ENERGY company An Bord Gáis intends spending €700 million on expanding the SWS wind farm business it has bought for €500…Sat Dec 05 2009 - 00:00
Aer Lingus says it will accept cabin crew offersTHE AER Lingus board conceded yesterday that it is prepared to accept unions’ alternative plans for cutbacks for cabin crew but…Sat Dec 05 2009 - 00:00
Recession is real thing at Coca-ColaTHE RECESSION took the fizz out of sales and profits at Coca-Cola’s bottlers in the Republic last year, the latest figures show…Fri Dec 04 2009 - 00:00
Doherty expresses culpability of AIB in letter to staff hinting at job lossesAIB’S NEW managing director Colm Doherty has written to its staff admitting the bank is to blame for its current problems and…Thu Dec 03 2009 - 00:00
ESB price regulation may end soonSTATE-OWNED ESB could be about to compete on a level playing field with rivals who supply electricity to households under proposals…Thu Dec 03 2009 - 00:00
AIB director hints at job lossesAIB’s new managing director Colm Doherty has written to its staff admitting the bank is to blame for its current problems and…Thu Dec 03 2009 - 00:00
BoI and AIB face €12bn losses on property loansBANK OF Ireland and AIB face losses totalling up to €12 billion on the property loans that they will be handing over to the State…Tue Dec 01 2009 - 00:00
Controls at Fás collapsed, board director concedesMANAGEMENT AND executive controls at the State training agency Fás broke down, one of its directors conceded yesterday, creating…Fri Nov 27 2009 - 00:00
Paddy Kelly to wind up property management firmDEVELOPER PADDY Kelly is winding up a property management company whose business has been eliminated by the fall in demand for…Thu Nov 26 2009 - 00:00
Pension approved to avoid legal caseA senior Department of Finance official told the Dáil's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) today that top civil servants approved…Thu Nov 26 2009 - 00:00