Tick tock – time to raise awareness about Lyme diseaseDavida Forde spent weeks in a wheelchair, exhausted and in extreme pain – all from a tick biteWed Aug 05 2015 - 10:00
Health Experience: ‘At the moment Luke’s rare disease is stable but we don’t know what the future holds’At six months, Annemarie O’Dowd’s son developed alarming symptoms and was diagnosed with cystinosis, a rare genetic metabolic diseaseTue Aug 04 2015 - 01:00
Health checked and cleared for take-offAir travel can bring serious risks for those travellers with pre-existing conditionsWed Jul 22 2015 - 09:00
‘Many people who have heart problems are afraid of being active’A week in my . . . cardiac rehabilitation programmePauline Fitzpatrick runs the cardiac rehabilitation programme at Monaghan Hospital, helping people to get back on their feet after heart eventsIn conversation with Arlene HarrisTue Jul 21 2015 - 15:00
‘I have left main courses on restaurant tables in order to go and deliver a baby’A week in my. . . community midwife roleWed Jul 01 2015 - 06:00
Skin cancer: ‘I’ve seen the effects of skin cancer, and I am happy to be whiter than Casper if it means I get to live’Tue Jun 02 2015 - 06:00
‘I have had calls from mums on a Saturday night; they cried for two hours solid’A week in my ... charity Allison Fegan Molloy is the voluntary chief executive of Irish Premature Babies, which she set up after the pre-term births of her own two sonsTue May 19 2015 - 01:00
A week in my heart clinics: ‘Being a voice for heart and stroke patients is at the heart of our work’Dr Angie Brown is a consultant cardiologist and the medical director of the Irish Heart FoundationThu May 07 2015 - 05:00
‘I’m privileged to visualise the tiny flicker of the baby’s heartbeat’A week in my . . . fertility clinic: Joan Kelly is the senior fertility nurse at the Hari (Human Assisted Reproduction Ireland) Clinic at the Rotunda Hospital in DublinWed Apr 29 2015 - 06:00
Health experience: What a difference a heart transplant makesAfter suffering two heart attacks, Gerry Hopkins was grateful to get a donor’s heartTue Mar 31 2015 - 10:00
‘My brother’s death gave me new strengths to help others’A week in my . . . cardiothoracic surgery. Lars Nölke is a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon at the Mater and Crumlin hospitals in DublinTue Mar 31 2015 - 10:00
‘I told the palliative care nurses that I wasn’t going to die’Terminal cancer diagnosis, but still alive six years onWed Mar 25 2015 - 07:00
A week in my . . . Daffodil Centre: ‘I inform, advise and support people affected by cancer’Clinical nurse specialist Fionnuala Keane is a cancer information service nurse at one of the Irish Cancer Society’s 12 hospital-based centresWed Mar 25 2015 - 06:00
Just the ticket for the holidays: fun and learning for the familySchool is (almost) out for two weeks, but family outings can have an educational flavour. We choose some of the best around Ireland, and abroadTue Mar 24 2015 - 00:00
A week in my . . . development agency: ‘We are having a tangible impact on life-and-death scenarios’Damien Queally is living and working in Africa as the deputy regional director for Plan Ireland. In the past 12 months he has led its response to the Ebola outbreakTue Mar 17 2015 - 01:00
My Health Experience: ‘Mental health has an impact on the whole family’Looking after a mother who has stress disorder, Gina Delaney says more support should be given to families dealing with mental health issuesMon Mar 02 2015 - 17:47
My Health Experience: ‘I was broken inside, but running gave me a purpose’While exercise doesn’t take away the pain of grief, it can help you to come to terms with itMon Mar 02 2015 - 17:44
A week in my ... night nursing role ‘In conversations with people who are dying, I think you can learn so much about living’Mary Nevin is a night nurse with the Irish Cancer Society. She is 35 trained at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin and holds a master’s degree in nursing education. As well as being a night nurse, she is a a clinical nurse tutor at Trinity College DublinWed Feb 04 2015 - 07:00
A week in my. . . ‘Once people start talking it’s amazing what they tell you’Linda Kidd, a part-time health-screening nurse with the Irish Heart Foundation, tells us about her weekTue Dec 16 2014 - 14:00
A week in my hospital pharmacy: ‘The way children tackle adversity can be very humbling’Michael Fitzpatrick has been the chief pharmacist at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin, Dublin, for the past eight yearsWed Nov 26 2014 - 10:00
Students learn how to reduce stress for exam successRecognising negative stress and making changes before it gets out of hand is key to managing extra pressureTue Nov 25 2014 - 12:00
Meningitis symptoms easily mistaken for milder illnessesSymptoms of potentially debilitating and even fatal disease can be mistaken for signs of influenzaTue Oct 28 2014 - 01:00
Pandas: A little-known disorder with a large impactMany Pandas children are misdiagnosed with OCD, Tourette’s or ADHD and some are left untreatedTue Oct 14 2014 - 01:00
‘I am now incredibly well and the experience of breast cancer has made me stronger’Cancer survivor Liz Yeates, of the Marie Keating Foundation, needs donated bras to help raise funds for researchTue Oct 07 2014 - 01:00
Early detection key to staying healthy, says oncologistOncologist Janice Walshe pinpoints advances made in disease prevention and treatmentTue Oct 07 2014 - 01:00
David Love Cameron: For the Love of gardeningWorking with chefs Raymond Blanc and Richard Corrigan is a long way from David Love Cameron’s former career as a postmanSat Oct 04 2014 - 01:00
Looking after your lungsIf lung disease is caught early enough, treatment can improve your chances of a healthy lifeTue Sept 23 2014 - 01:00
Strategy makes strides towards a tobacco-free IrelandSmoking costs a packet and it kills 100 people a week in IrelandTue Sept 23 2014 - 01:00
‘Down syndrome became less of an issue and Eóghan just became Eóghan’Being first-time parents and having to deal with the diagnosis was really tough, but Eóghan’s personality helped them through itTue Sept 16 2014 - 01:00
My Health Experience: ‘I drifted in complete nothingness’Stephen Kelly was in the depths of despair and suicidal but, following help, has recovered completely and turned his life aroundWed Sept 10 2014 - 11:43
No shame in feeling despairCreating awareness about the reasons people feel suicidal and what can be done to help is a vital step towards eradicating the stigma attachedMon Sept 08 2014 - 09:00
My Health Experience: I was in denial about my diagnosisWith no family history of cancer, complex diagnosis met a degree of denialTue Sept 02 2014 - 11:36
My Health Experience: ‘Get checked up: health can change in the blink of an eye’Regular check-ups can be crucial to staying positive even in the face of daunting challenges to one’s healthTue Aug 12 2014 - 01:00
Well fit to run after battle with cancerDarren McMahon, having been treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, is back on his feet and race readyTue Jul 22 2014 - 01:00
‘Music lifted me through my darkest days’Research has proven a link between music and positive mental health.Tue Jul 01 2014 - 01:00
My Health Experience: A life cycle: from a three-year outlook to a 40km triumphAfter finally going to a doctor with a persistent cough, the prognosis was poor until a transplant became an optionTue Jun 17 2014 - 01:00
Simple steps to look after your selfFor Men’s Health Week, the male population is asked to examine their lifestyle, be honest with themselves, and have niggles checked earlyTue Jun 10 2014 - 01:00
‘I didn’t know what anaphylaxis meant until my daughter died’The mother of a teenager who died is campaigning for adrenalin pens to be available in public placesTue May 06 2014 - 01:00
‘I am happy to be my son’s carer, but I need support’Many home carers have health problems such as depression, but they are not receiving treatment, a study has foundTue Apr 29 2014 - 01:00
Monitoring units only ‘tip of iceberg’ when it comes to epilepsy careWith only one monitoring unit in the country, doctors are calling for a complex dedicated epilepsy centreTue Mar 04 2014 - 13:08
My Health Experience: We need to talkIf you have a physical illness, you go to the doctor, but mental health issues still give rise to stigmaTue Feb 11 2014 - 01:00
How do Irish classrooms compare with others in Europe?A new TV documentary series sees Irish students and their teachers going to school in Poland, Finland and SpainTue Jan 14 2014 - 03:00
Making plans for the new year aheadDo you need a little inspiration for your New Year resolutions? If so, see what some well-known people are planningTue Dec 31 2013 - 01:00
Christmas cheer without the beerWith so many Yuletide events taking place in pubs and restaurants, it’s not an easy time to stay soberTue Dec 17 2013 - 08:41
The gender gap: why do boys do worse than girls at school?New research suggests boys underperform because we expect them toTue Nov 12 2013 - 01:00
Extreme exercise in diabetes researchA 2100km cycle was an important study, combining the unveiling of new technology with research into the effects of exercise on blood glucose levels.Fri Nov 08 2013 - 13:00
Damage limitation is the only cure for psoriasisAfter years of trying to find a cure for psoriasis, I have learned to manage the conditionTue Nov 05 2013 - 01:00
Medical science takes central role as Lawlor gives cancer the media treatmentÁine Lawlor takes us on a personal journey, as she explains how medical science changed the course of her lifeTue Nov 05 2013 - 01:00