Sausage rolls and fairy in the garden wins couple Grandparents of Year

THE QUEST to find Ireland's greatest grandparents came to an end yesterday when a couple from Dublin were crowned Grandparents…

THE QUEST to find Ireland's greatest grandparents came to an end yesterday when a couple from Dublin were crowned Grandparents of the Year.

Bernard (73) and Esther (75) Ryan from Artane said they were surprised but honoured to received the award, which was presented by Friends of the Elderly.

The pair were nominated for the award by their grandchildren Harry (7) and Caitlin (5) Walsh and were among 432 entrants to the nationwide competition.

The organisation were hoping to find the most moving tribute to grandparents and to figure out why they were loved so much.


"Grandad makes us laugh when we visit him in Artane. He chases us with his false teeth. He has a fairy in his garden called Twinkle Toes," the children said in their submission to the competition.

"We want to tell you about our lovely nana, Ryan. She has lovely silver hair and wears glasses. She makes us lovely things and our favourite - sausage rolls," it continued.

Dermot Kirwan of Friends of the Elderly said the aim of the award is to improve people's perception of the elderly. "A lot of people have contacted us to say they have families who are never in touch.

"Some children have not developed the habit of visiting their grandparents, so what we are trying to do is show them in a positive light," he said.

The winning couple will be treated to a three-day break with their family at a luxury hotel in Co Kerry.

"We're still in shock, even where we live we see grandparents who we think are more deserving," Bernard said.

"With 10 grandchildren every Easter, Christmas and birthday is like handling a payroll, but we must be doing something right," he smiled.

"In these mad, mad times we live in, where parents are working hard to educate and put a roof over their childrens' head, grandparents can play an important role by being there and not interfering in their childrens' business."

The competition was an element of Friends of the Elderly's National Grandparents Day, which is tomorrow.

Details about the event can be found at

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times