Gardaí discover human remains in Laois

Gardaí searching for a man missing in Co Laois for almost a year discovered human remains during an operation yesterday afternoon…

Gardaí searching for a man missing in Co Laois for almost a year discovered human remains during an operation yesterday afternoon.

The remains have not been formally identified but they are believed to be those of Tommy Thompson of Borris Road, Portlaoise.

Mr Thompson (59), originally from Yorkshire, England, moved to Ireland to work.

He worked as a plasterer in Portlaoise before his disappearance on April 20th last.


A Garda spokesman said a body was found during the search of an area in Dysart, Portlaoise.

He said the body remained at the scene, which is currently "the subject of a forensic and technical examination by a crime scene investigation team", adding that the office of the State pathologist had been informed.

Mr Thompson's family contacted gardaí when they and neighbours on Borris Road in Portlaoise had not seen or heard from him in some time.

Gardaí "stood down" their search in December when a major operation between Stradbally and Portlaoise made no significant finds.

It is understood gardaí established that Mr Thompson had fallen out with a number of people he was in contact with and the homes of two men who knew Mr Thompson well were searched in December.

The two men were subsequently charged with stealing items from Borris Road, where Mr Thompson had lived.

Detectives said yesterday they are also looking for Mr Thompson's blue Renault van, with the registration number 06-LS-2453.

Supt Philip Lyons, who is leading the investigation, thanked the public for their assistance in the search operation.

He also renewed an appeal for anyone with information about Mr Thompson's disappearance to contact Portlaoise gardaí on (057) 8674100.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times